T .
D escr ip t ion.
Pl . XXX.
D escription.
T O D Y .
-oblique fegments : the outer and middle toe united j all the toes
.full of rough fegments, ten in number at lead: on each : the claws
are yellow.
I met with this bird in fpirits at Sir Jofeph Banks's. It appears
to me a curious, and hitherto undefcribed bird.
Todi fpecies odlava, Pail. Sj>ic. 6. p. 19. t. 3. C. the kill.
npHIS fpecies is the fize of a Nightingale, and is remarkable for
the bill, which is very broad, refembling that of the Boat-
bill * ; it is flat, pointed at the tip, and whitilh in colour j the
noftrils Handing in an hollow at the bafe : three large briftles,
and other fmall ones, are placed on each fide the bill, with fome
few hairs on the forehead: crown of the head lead-colour, in the
middle of which is an oblong white fpot, in the manner of the
5Tyrant Shrike f- . the back is luteous brown : beneath it is luteous:
the throat whitilh : quills brown: tail even, brown : legs and claws
yellowilh: outer toes joined to the middle one by a membrane,
as far as two joints.
This was defcribed from a fpecimen in the Mufeum of the
Prince of Orange.
Lev. Muf. *
HIS fpecies is about the fize of the former, and is eight inches
in length. The bill is in lhape much like that of the laft
defcribed, an inch and a quarter in length, and very broad at
* Ccmcroma of Linnanu. + N° 37. p. 184.