feathers of two inches and a quarter in length, which fpring from
the hind head, and hang down behind : the plumage in general
is olive, with a caft of orange : the lower part of the back, rump,
belly, and vent, cheftnut: tail rounded ; the two middle feathers
fhorter than the next, and cheftnut; the others wholly yellow,
except, the outer one, which has the outer web dulky the whole
length : legs black : toes divided to the bottom.
This is in the colleftion of Caft. Davies, who received it from
South America; and I have lately feen a fecond, which came from
Var. B.
Le Caffiqae vert de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iii. p. 240,— Pl. enl. 328.
Lev. Muf.
D escrip t ion. ^JTIIS bird meafures fourteen inches in length, and.eighteen or
nineteen in breadth. The bill is red : all the forward parts,
taking in the wing coverts, are green; the hinder parts cheftnut:
quills black: tail fhaped as the others ; the two middle feathers
black; the others yellow : legs black.
Inhabits Cayenne. The bird referred to in the Leverian Mu-
Jeum was of an .olive green, but anfwered as to other things.
4 -
D escription,
Le Caffique de la Louifiane, Buf. oif. iii. p. 242.—PI. enl. 646.
White-headed Oriole, Am. Zool. N°
T ENGTH ten inches. Bill black, a little bent, one inch in
length : the head, neck, belly, and rump, are white: quills
and tail of a changeable violet, bordered with white; the reft of
the plumage mixed white and black : the tail is fomewhat cuneiform,
and the wings, when clofed, reach to about the middle of
i t : the legs are lead-colour.
This fpecies inhabits Louifiana, and other parts of North America.
' ' ’ - O.
T ENGTH nine inches. Bill an inch and a half long, black, D escription.
ftout, iharp, and a very little bent at the tip ; flat on the top
towards the bafe, where it is rounded, and paffes far back on the
forehead, and is there a little protuberant, like the former ones :
the general colour of the plumage is black: the head, neck, and
breaft, have a fine glofs of purple : the whole wing, and reft of
the body, black : the tail confifts of twelve feathers, and was five
inches in length, but had been longer, as the ends were fpoiled :
the wings reach a little beyond' the infertion of the ta il: the legs
were wanting.
I found this in. the colle&ion of Mifs Blomefield; it was fup- P lace.
pofed to come from Cayenne. A label annexed gave it the name
of Oifeaii de Ris,-de groffe efpece,