“the reft of the plumage as in the others, except that the green is
paler : legs yellowifh: claws black.
Places. Inhabits Surinam and Brafil, with the former. Edwards is inclined,
to think the two laft to be male and female.
’•Va R. C.
Le Guit-guit tout vert, Buf. o f. v. p. 527.
"Grimpereau rert de Cayenne, PL enL 68z. f. I,
All-green Creeper, Eilw. g len, pi. 348.
"Description. * 1 'HIS feems a trifle bigger than the laft. The bill rather Ion.
ger, and a little more bent j the colour is dufky, and a little
pale at the bafe: the whole bird, Edwards fays, is of a parrot-
green colour, lighteft on the under parts.
Pea ce. Inhabits Cayenne, and other parts of South America. This likewife
can be reckoned no other than a further variety of the former
29. Gerthia Cayana, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 186. N° 9.
l*e ^*r*mPereau ver^ de Cayenne, Brif. orn% iii. p. 636. N° pi. .35V £
Le Guit-guit vert tacheté, Buf. oif. v. p. 53S.
Grimpereau verd tacheté de Cayenne, PI. enl. 682. f. 2.
Certhia Corpore iupino viridi Gulâ luteâ, &c. N. C. Ac. Sc. Petr. ii.
430. t. 14. f. £.
D escription. CJtZ3B of our Creeper : length four inches two lines. Bill nine lines,
and black : the upper part of the head and neck, the back and
rump, are of a fine palilh green : fcapulars, upper wing and tail
coverts, the fame: throat rufous ; and between th'e noftrils and the
eye a very fmall fpot of the fame : along the lower jaw, on each
fide, is a narrow band of blue : the cheeks are white, each feather
margined on both fides with green : the under parts of the
body are of the fame colour, with a mixture of blue : under tail
coverts yellowifh : quills blackifh, outwardly edged with green,
and within .with grey brown : the two middle tail feathers are
wholly green, the others are blackifh', with green edges : legs and
claws grey. This is the male.
The female has the colours lefs lively, and the green on the upper
parts paler : it has neither the rufous fpot on the throat, nor
between the noftrils and eye; and indeed the whole plumage is
fcarcely tinged with blue.
Bujfon obferved one of thefe, which had two lines, of green diverging
from the lower mandible ; and I have feen fuch another
lately in a colledtion of birds from Cayenne. j
That mentioned in the Peterjhurg Tranfallions, had the throat
and mark between the bill and eyes of a yellow-colour.
This fpecies is found at Cayenne.
Le Grimpereau varié d'Amérique, Brif. orn. iii. p. 665. N° 32.
Le Guit-guit varié, Buf. oif. v. p. 540.
Avicula Americana, variis çoloribus piâa, Seba, Thef ii. t. 3. f. 3. figure
not correct.
g jlZ E of a Chaffinch : length five inches. Bill three quarters of
an inch : the top of the head bright red : cheeks, and under
the eyes, blue and white mixed : hind head fine blue : hind part
of the neck, the back, and rump, are undulated with blue, black,
5 A yellow,
F emale.
D escription.