606 J A C A - M A R.
and of a fquare fhape, but fomewhat comprefled on the fides: the
head is of a dull violet brown : throat, fore part of the neck, and
under wing coverts, white: the reft of the plumage of a deep dull
green, in fome lights appearing almoft black, in others with a
flight glofs of violet and copper bronze : the tail is compofed of
twelve feathers of unequal lengths ; the two middle ones are fix
inches long, and exceed the next by two inches and a quarter :
the outer one is only an inch long': the legs are black : the toes
placed two before and two behind *, and pretty much united.
F em a l e . The female is faid to be like the male, but the tail is fhorten
and the colours more dull.
P l a c e . Inhabits Surinam.
This fpecies, like the others, feeds on infefts; and fometimes,
contrary to them, frequents open places. It flies farther at a
time, and perches on the tops of trees. Frequently found in
pairs, and is not quite lo folitary a bird as the other. It alfo
differs in the note, having a kind of foft whiftle often repeated,
but not heard a great way off.
* Edwards has drawn this bird with three toes before, and one behind, and
in courfe makes it a Kingsjijher; to which it has refemblance.
G e n u s XXIII, K I N G S F I S H E R .
* WI T H : F O U R T O E S .
N° 1. Great brown K.
2. Cape K.
3. Great African K,
Var. A.
4. Black and white K.
5. Egyptian K.
6. New Guinea K,
7. Smyrna K.
Yar. A. Great Gambia K.
Var. B . ------Bengal K.
8. White-headed K.
9. Crab-eating K.
Var. A.
Var. B.
Var. C.
10. White-collared K.
11. Green-headed K.
12. Sacred K.
Var. A.
Var. B.
Var. C.
Var. D.
13. Venerated K.
14. Refpedted K.
15. Black-capped K.
N° Var. A.
Var. B.
16. Common K.
Var. A.
17. Red-headed Ka
V ar. A.
18. Purple K.
19. Rufous K.
20. Blue-headed K.
21. Indian K.
Var. A.
22. Crefted K.
Var. A.
23. Eaftern K.
24. TernateK.'
25. Cayenne K.
26. Cinereous K.
27. Belted K.
Var. A.
Var. B.
Var. C.
28. Brafilian fpotted K.
29. Rufous and green K.
30. White and green K.
31. Brafilian K.
N° 32. Black