D escription.
Certhia cruentata, Lin, SjJl.i. p. 187. N° 17.
Le Grimpereau de Bengale, Brif. on. p. 663. N'^i.
Le Soui-manga rouge, noir, & blanc, Buf. oif. v. p. 514.
Black, white, and red lndian Creeper, Edna. ii. pi-81.
T ENGTH three inches and a quarter. Bill lefs than fix inches.-!
CGlOUr black: above, from head to tail, blue black:
along this fpace are three large fpots of a bright red; the one
placed on the crown of the heaq, and reaching from one eye to
the other; the fecond on the neck behind ; and the third on the
middle of the back: and the upper tail coverts are of the fame
colour: all the under parts are white : the quills and tail are blue
black: legs black.
Its. native place is Bengal.
Le Soul-manga de l’ifle de Bourbon, Buf. oif. v. p. ,516.
Grimpereau de l’ifle de Bourbon, PI. ml. 681. f. 2.
LENGTH about five inches." The bill is black : the upper
part of the head and body greenilh brown: the rump yellow,
inclining to olive : the under parts of the body a mixed grey, having
a tint of yellow near the tail s the fides are rufous: the quills
blackilh, edged with a lighter colour: the tail blackilh: legs
Inhabits the IJle of Bourbon.
Buff on fuppofes it to be either a female, or a young one not yet
come to maturity, and thinks it has the greateft affinity to the
Soui-manga marron fourfre & violet, than any other-.
1 U
Certhia flaveola, Lin. Syjl. i. p. |g7. jq'o I.gB
Le Grimpereau, ou Sucrier de la Jamaique, B r if orn. vi. app. p. 117.
N ° 33-
Le Sucrier, Buf. oif. v. p, 542»
Black and yellow Creeper, Edmu. iii. pi. izz.
^ IZ E of a "Wren* The bill is black: the head, throat, neck,
back, fcapulars, upper wing and tail coverts, are of a fine
black: on each fide of the head is a ftripe of white, beginning..
at the bafe of the bill, and palling over the eyes to the hind head:
the breaft, upper part of the belly, fides, edges of the wings, and
rump, fine yellow: lower belly, thighs, and under tail coverts,
yellow, but paler: under wing coverts white : the greater quills
are white at the bafe, and black at the ends : the fecondaries are
wholly black: tail black j all the feathers except the two middle
ones have white tips : legs and claws blackilh.
Inhabits Jamaica.
Certhia flaveola, Lin. Syjl. i. p. igy. N° 18.
Le Grimpereau de la Martinique, ou le Sucrier, Brif. on. iii n § 3
N“ 3 - p l-34- f - 5-
Black and yellow bird, Sloan. Jam. ii. p. 307. N° 37. t. 239. f. 3.
Yellow-bellied Creeper, Edtu. glean, pi. 362. f. 3. female.
JfDJVARDS deferibes this bird as having the dimenfions of the
other. A ftripe of yellow over the eyes : the bill dufky : the
upper parts browniffi afh-colour, except the tip of the tail, and
bottom of the greater quills, which are white : under fide yellow,-
S ® changing
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D escription,
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D escription.' Iii: Female. |f
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