P i. XVII.
O R I O t 35.
Inhabits Aoonalajhka j from whence it was brought by the late
voyagers on difcovery.
SIZE of a Lark. Bill dufky. crown brown and cinereous;
cheeks brown, bounded above and below with deep dull yellow
: throat white : breaft, lides, thighs, and vent, dull pale yellow,
fpotted with brown: belly white: back varied with afh-
colour, black, and white: wing coverts dufky, with ferruginous
edges : quills dulky: the tail confifts of narrow, fharp-pointed
feathers, of a dufky colour tinged with olive, and obfcurely
barred : legs pale brown.
In Mrs. Blackburn's colle&ion, who received it from New York.
I am indebted to Mr. Pennant for the whole o f this account, as
well as a drawing o f the bird*
Le Kink, Buf. mf. Hi. p. *53.
Le Kink de la Chine, PI. ml. 617.
r p H E bill is reddifh brown: the head, neck, upper part of the
back, and the breaft, of a greyifh alh-colour: tile reft of
the body above and beneath, wing and tail coverts, are white:
quills the colour of polifhed fteel, changing to green and violet;
tail fhort, rounded, partly of the fame colour as the quills, and
partly white, viz. the two middle feathers are of the fteel-
colour, with a white tip ; the two next have more white, and lefs
of the other; and proceeding in that manner to the outfide feathers,
which are almoft totally white, having only a fpot of fteel-
colour at the b a fe th e legs flefh-colour. This fpecies is between