D escription-.
D escription.
K I N G S F I S H E R .
ling through the eyes: the greater quills and tail are rufous,
marked with tranlverfe fpots of white: legs and claws brown.
Inhabits Brafil. , Its cry is like the word Gip-gip$ not unlike
that of a young Turkey,
Alcedo inda, Lin. Syft, i. p. 179. N° 2►
Spotted Kingfilher, Ed<w. glean. pi. 355..
/~jpHE length is feven inches. The bill dulky j the bafe o f the
lower mandible orange : a broad black line runs from the
bill through the eyes, on each fide of the head : above and beneath
this are lines of orange-colour : crown o f the head black,
changing to green at the back part: the Tides of the head, beneath
the eyes, green : this colour alfo covers the upper parts of
the neck, body, wings, and tail j but the feathers of the two lafi:,,
with the rump, are fpotted with white on the edges : the under
parts of the body are orange-colour : between the neck and brealB
is a broad black band, edged with pale afix-colour.
Inhabits Guiana.
Martin-pefcheur, Perm. Defer. Sarin. vol. ii. p.
^ j n i S fpecies (if a diltinft one) is lefs than a Blackbird. The*
bill black, thick, ftrait, pointed, and two inches in length :
the infide of the mouth faffron-colour r the top o f the head greenifh,
black, tranfverfely fpotted with blue : the back, blue, obfeurely
fhaded with lines of black : the quills of a greenifh blue : the tail,
fhort, and of a dull bl ue t he chin and middle of the belly
1 white,,
white, with a mixture of red : the lower part of the belly, and beneath
the wings, inclining to rufous: the bread: is rufous, the feathers
of whieh are tipped with light blue : the legs fmall ; the
colour of them not mentioned.
This is found at Guiana, where it frequents, and makes its neft
in holes about the water. According to Mr. Fermin, it lays five
or fix eggs, and feeds on filh.
This bird feems to bear fome affinity to the laft, being of the
fame fize, and found in the fame place; but I have not ventured
to place it as a variety, or fexual difference of that bird, till further
Alcedo fuperciliofa, Lin. SjJf. i. p. N° 6.
Le Martin-pefcheur verd d’Amerique, Brif. orn. iv. p. 490. N° 9.
Le Martin-pecheur vert & orange, Buf. oif, vii. p. 218.
Le Martin-pecheur petit verd de Cayenne, PI. enl. 756. f. 2, 3.
Little green and orange Kingfilher, Edw. glean, pi. 245.
Left. Mu/.
JT ENGTH five inches. Bill fixteen lines in length, and of a
blackiffi colour : the bafe of the lower mandible reddilh : tire
crown, hind part of the neck, the back, and rump, are green ; as
are the fcapulars, upper wing and tail coverts : from the bill, over
the eyes, paffes a narrow orange ftripe : the throat and forepart of
the neck are orange: on the bread: is a tranfverle green band:
the belly, thighs, and under tail coverts, are whitiffi : the fides
reddilh orange, very bright: inner coverts, and ridge of the
wing, paler orange : quills black brown, fpotted on both webs
with rufous yellow; the two middle tail feathers are greeny the
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