6io K I N G S .F I S H E Rv
die coverts tipped with gloffy greenilh white : quills greenilh;
brown : bale of feveral of the feathers white,, forming a fpot on;
the outer edge : fides of the body mottled with dulky : tail as in.
the other, but not fo gloffy : legs deep brown : claws black.
Both the above-defcribed are in the collection of Sir Jofeph
Banks, and are faid to have come from New. Guinea-, from,
whence Sonnerai had the bird figured by him. The only difference
feems to be, that the under mandible in his was orange,,
and the bird, only fixteen inches in length.
Alcedo Capenfis, Lin. Syjl. i. p, 180. g.
Le Martin pefcheur du Cap de Sonne Efperance. Brif. ora. iv. p. 488;
N° 8. pi. 36. f. 3.—PI. enl, 390,.
Le Martin pèchent à gros bec, Bu/, oif. vii. p. 184,
Leevu Muf.
Description.. f 1 VHIS bird is likewife of a large fize,. meafuring fourteen;
inches in length. The bill is difproportionately large, being
above an inch in thicknefa at the faafe, and three inches and a
half in. length ; the colour, of it is. red ; the tip blackifh : the
upper part of.,the- head is alh-colour, verging to fulvous : the colour
of the upper parts of the body is blue green, fomewhat Inclining
to alh : the lower part of the back,.rump, and upper tail
coverts,.gloily blue green: greater quills blue green on the out-
fide ; the inner webs alh-colour, with fulvous edges : tail blue
green ; the fide feathers alh-coloured within : the lhafts of the
wing and tail feathers, are black above, and whitilh beneath : the
fkA Cl.
under parts of the body are fulvous :. the legs and claws red..
Inhabits the Cafe of Good Hope. The Ipecimen in the Leverian
Mufeum.hai a ftreak of.hrown behind each eye : the crown brown,
«BSwB B w B B B ®
K I N G S F I S H E R. 6 is
mixed with darker brown : and feveral of the prime quills black
for a good way from the end : otherwife anfwered to the above ,
Alcedo maxima, Palias Spic. 6. p. I 5 ■
A Fowl which harbours in lakes and rivers, &c. Bofm. Guinea, p. 251.
N°'13. pi. in 262, N° 13.
q p H lS is the fuze of a Crow. The bill is large, ftrong, com- DEscsirnos.
A prefled, and of a black colour; the upper mandible the
longed : the feathers of the head and nape elongated fo as
•to form a fmall creft-: the upper parts of the body are of
.a deep lead-colour, and the under parts ferruginous: the
crown of the head and the wings are darked, as is the middle of
each feather in general: the plumage is covered with numerous
fpots of white, each feather having five in number, viz. two on
each fide, and one at the tip : on each fide of the neck is a dripe,
dotted with white, beginning at the cheeks, and defcending obliquely
down the neck: the chin is white : the throat, and fore
part of the neck, black : the red of the under parts are pale ferruginous,
or, in fome, deep fanguineous: the quills are black,
tipped with white, with a feries of white fpots on each fide ; thole
of the inner web placed tranlverfe : the wings, when clofed, reach
beyond the middle of the tail, which is even at the end, and
marked as the quills : the legs are deep black; the outer toe
conne&ed to the middle one only half way.
The female differs in having the throat and part of the neck of Fem* lb.
a pale ferruginous, indead of black; and the red of the under
parts white, tranfverfely marked with narrow lines of black.
4 I 2 Thls
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