Oriolus iflerus, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 161. N° 4.— Scop. anti. i. p.39. N°4<>.'
Coracias Xanthornus, Scop. ann. i. p. 39. N° 42.
Le Tronpiale, Brif. orn. ii. p. 86. pi. 8. f. I .— Buf. oif. ill. p. 203. pi. 16.
— PI. enl. 532.
<juira-tangeima Braf. Rail Syn. p. 45. N °6.m—JVill. orn. p. 141.
Yellow and black Pie, Raii Syn. p. 181. N° 10.— Shan. Jam. p. 301.
t. 239. f. 4.— Catejb. Carol, app. pi. 3.
Yellow Woodpecker, Sloan. Jam.
Banana bird from Jamaica, Albin. ii. pi. 40.'— Large D°, Brown. Jam.
Q IZE of a Blackbird : length nine inches and a half. The bill
in fome is hoary, in others black, with a brown bafe: lkin
round tjie eyes naked and blueilh: irides yellowiih : general colour
of the plumage orange yellow: head, throat, lower part of
the neck, and middle of the back, fine black : wings black : with
two oblique bands of white : tail black: legs in fome black, in
others of a lead-colour, and fometimes greyilh white.
This fpecies is found in Carolina-, from thence to Brajil, and in
all the Caribbee Iflands. In Jamaica, Shane tells us, it is common 5
and that it feeds on infefts, and has the fame cuftom in hopping
about as the Magpie. Albin mentions, that its aftions refemble
a Starling. “ I have feen,” fays he, “ four or five of them let
upon, and kill, a large bird or fowl; and when dead, each one,
according to his place, of.rriafterihip, choofe his part.” Kept in
America in houfes, to kill infefts. In its wild ftate very agile and
wrathful, and fo bold as to attack men: will find out and deftroy
chTyfalids already fpun up; into which it thrufts its bill, and
tearing open the cafes, takes out the chryfalis 5 but I am told is
very docile when kept tame.
But the molt curious part of their hiftory is the neft, which is
made in the form of a cylinder, and fufpended to the end of the
utmoft twig of a tree, of which one fometimes fees a great many
on one tree, and that not far from the houfes. This precaution, no
doubt, is to prevent the rapine of fnakes, and other animals, which
would otherwife deftroy the young birds.
Le Troupiale du Mexique, Brif. orn. ii. p. 88. N° 2.
L ’Acolchi de Seba, Buf. oif.iii. p. 206.
Ayis Americana de Acplchichi nigro lutea, Seba, vol. i. t. 54. f. 4.
C^IZE of the laft. The bill is pretty long, and of a yellow colour
: the head, thtoat, quills, and tail, are black: neck,
Back, rump, breaft, belly, fides, thighs, and both tail coverts, of
a fine yellow; lefler wing coverts black j the greater tipped with
Inhabits -Mexico.
Le Troupiale a queue annelee, Brif. orn. .ii. p. 89. N° 3.
L ’Arc-emqueue, B^f. oif. iii. p. 207.
Avis Ocotzinitzpan, Columbse magn. Seba, vol. i. 97. pi. 63. f. 3.
g lZ E of a Pigeon. Bill yellow, a trifle bent at the point :
head, throat, and neck, black; the reft of the body yellow,
Ihaded with a deeper yellow both on the upper and lower tail and
lefler wing coverts: greater wing coverts and quills blackiih,
edged with pale yellow: the tail yellow; each feather marked
with a broad tranfverfe blackiih band, making, when the tail is
3 1 fpread
N est.
7 *