an Oriolus and a Thrufh, partaking of both, which makes Bttffon
place it before the Thrujhes, to which he feems to think it moft
allied. ■-
This was received from China. Place.
Oriolus Galbula, Lin. Syft. i. p. 160. N° 1« 43.
Coracias Oriolus, Scop, Ann* i. p. 41. N° 45.—Faun, Arab. p. 7. * GOLDEN
Le Loriot, Brif. orn. ii. p. 320. N° 58.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 254. pi. 17.—
PI. enl. 26. the male.
Widewal, Pyroid, Fri/ch. pi. 31* male and female.—Kram. el. p. 360«
Galbula, feu Picus nidum fufpendens, Rati Syn. p. 68. N° 5.
Witwall, Will. orn. p. 198.
Yellow Bird from Bengal* Albin. iii. pi. 19,
Golden Thrufh, Ed<w. pi. 185.
Oriole, Br. Zool. app. N° 4. pi. 4.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
g I Z E of a Blackbird : length nine inches and a half. The bill
is brownilh red, and above an inch long : irides red: general
colour of the plumage a fine golden yellow: between the bill and
eye a ftreak o f black: the wings black, marked here and there
with yellow, and a patch of yellow in the middle of the wing :
the two middle tail feathers black, inclining to olive at the bafe,
and the very tips yellow; all the others black, from the bafe to
the middle; from thence to the tip yellow: legs lead-colour;
claws black.
The female is of a dull greenilh brown in thole parts where the
male is black i wings dufky: tail dirty green, and all but the
two. middle feathers yellowilh white.
This beautiful fpecies is pretty common in feveral parts of
3 M Europe;
D escription*
F emale«
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