D escription.
R lace a n©
Troupiale de Cayenne, PL enh 236. N® 2.— Buf. oif iii. p. 218.
Merula Indica pe&ore cinnabarino, an Jacapu Marcg. I Rail Syti. p. 67.
N° 10.
Red-breafted Indian Blackbird, WilL orn. p. 194. N ° j ,
.Mocking-bird of G-uiana, Bancroft's Guiana, p. 177»
Lev* Muf.
T ESS than a Blackbird: length /even inches. The colour
* 7 ' wholly black, except the chin, fore part of the neck, and the
breaft, which are of a fine deep red: the upper edge o f the wing
is alfo red.
This is found in Guiana and Cayenne.
Bancroft’s bird had the top of the head likewife red; and the
bill of his was flefh-colour; yet I make no doubt of its being a
yariety of the above-defcribed. The nefts of thefe are built of
hay, &c. and are cylindrical, being twelve or fifteen inches in
circumference. They are feen depending from the high branches
of the talleft .trees, and are wafted to and fro by the wind; on
which account their great length is neceflary, that the bird may
not be thrown out by every gull of wind, which would otherwile
happen. Their note is fweet and harmonious; but they imitate
thole of many other birds.
'Oriolus'Guiarrenfis, Lin, Syfi. i. p. 162. TJ° 9 ?
Le Tropiale de la Guiane, Briforn. ii. p. 107. N° 18. pi. 11. f. I.*—■ B t f
oif. iii. p. 218.— PL enl. 536.
C IZ E of a Thrulh : length feven inches and a quarter. The bill
irownilh r general colour of the plumage black; each feather
o r i o l e .
margined with grey; but the under part,.from the chin to the
belly, between the legs, and the lower wing coverts, red : tail
fomewhatftriated with grey ;■ legs and claws brown.
Inhabits Guiana. I much fufpeft this to be the female of the
l'aft, or a young bird,, as was hinted of the former: the feveral
differences in particular birds are kept up as in that fpecies. I
have feen fome of thefe with the breaft only red, and in one fpe-
eimen the breaft not red, with a few red d allies on the chin ; but
in all I have feen the Ihoulders were red. Buffon fuppofes both
this and the red-winged Oriole, with all' the varieties of both, to
be the fame bird. I cannot at prefent alfent to it, as I think the
make and lhape of the birds feem to differ on comparifon. It ist
future ohfervation alone that mull: confirm the matter.
Le Troupiale rouge d’Atvtigue, Sin. Voy. p. 113. pi: 68.
C IZ E of our Blackbird. Bill blackilh : irides fire-coloured:
3 head, neck, back, and thighs, of a vermilion red : quills,
belly, and tail, velvet black : legs blackilh..
Inhabits Antigue, in the ille of. Panay,
Oriolus Mexican’.!?, Lin. Syft. i. p. 162. N° 8.
Le Troupiale brun de la Nouvelle Efpagne, B ri/, nrn. il. p. 105. N° 17.
._________ à calotte, noire, Buf oif iii. p» 222.
Troupiale jaune à calotte noire de Cayenne, PL enl. 533.*
C[IZE. of a Blackbird: length eight inches and three quarters.
■ Bill yellowilh : the head (crown excepted) throat, neck,
breaft, belly, fides, under- tail coverts; letter wing coverts above,
j and
43 «■
Plac e,
D esciuptiosv.
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