Picus martîus, Lin.SyJl. i, p. 173. N° 1 Mull.. p. 12.— Scap. an», u
p. 46. N° 51.
Le Pic noir, Brif. orn. iv. p. 21. N° 6.
----- --------, Buf. oif. viî. p. 41. pl. 2.
*----------- , mâle, Pl. enl. 596.
—..... ■ ■ , orn. -de Salem, pl. 10. f. 2.
Schwartz Specht, Frifcb. t. 34.
Picus niger maximus, Rail Sjn. p. 42. 1.
Greateft black Woodpecker, Will, orn. 135.. pl. 21.—Albin, ii. pl. 27.
—Amer. Zool. N°
Lev. Muf.
Description. g I Z E of a Jackdaw : length feventeen inches. Bill near two
inches and a half in length ; of a dark afh-colour, and whitifh
on .the fides : irides pale yellow * : the whole bird is black, except
the crown of the head, which is vermilion : the firft quill
feather is fhorteft : the two_ middle .tail feathers longer than the
others, making it appear a little rounded : the legs are lead-coloured
j covered with feathers on the fore part for half their length.
Female. The female differs from the male, in having the hind head only
red, and not the whole crown of the head ; and the'general colour
of the plumage has a ftrong call: of brown in it. It has likewife
been obferved, that the red on the hind head has been wholly
wanting : and indeed boûimale and female are apt much to vary,
in different fubjefts ; fome having a much greater proportion of
red on the head than others.
Plac e. This bird is found on the continent of Europe, but not in
plenty, except in Germany. It is not an inhabitant of Italy, and
• The eyelids are naked, according to Scotoli.
very rarely feen in France. Frifch mentions it as a bird common
to his parts ; and it is found alfo in Sweden, Switzerland, and, Denmark
*; but not in winter.
I t is faid to build in old Afh and Poplar trees, making large M anners.
and deep nefts ; and Frifch obferves, that they often fo excavate a
tree, that it is foon after blown down with the wind.; and, that
under the hole of this bird may often be found a bujhel of dull,
and bits of wood. The female lays two or three white eggs, the
colour of which, as Willughiy * obferves, is peculiar to the whole
of the Woodpecker genus, or, at leaft, all thofe which have come
under his infpeftion. .
Picus principalis, L-in.SyJl. i. p. 173, N° 2.
LePic noir hupe de la Caroline, Brif. orn. iv. p. 26. N* 9.
■ Grand Pic noir a bee bianc, Buf. oif. vii. p. 46.
Pic noir hupe, de la Caroline, PI. enl. 690.
Quatotomomi, Raii Syn. p. 162.— Will. orn. 390.
King of the Woodpeckers, Kalm. <voy. ii. p. 85 ?
Largeil white.billed Woodpecker, Catefb. Car. i. pl, 16.
White-billed Woodpecker, Arner. Zool. N°
^ p H I S is bigger than the laft, being equal in fize to a Crow-:
it is nxteeh inches in length ; and weighs twenty ounces.
The bill is as white as ivory, three inches in length, and channeled
: irides yellow: on the hind head is an ere£f pointed creft,
of a fine red colour, fome of the feathers being two inches long :
the head itfelf, and body in general, are black; but the lower
D escription.
ZooL Dante. f Orn. iff 134.
4 B