colour of all o f them is blue blact, with a polifhed ffeekglofs
in fome lights': the legs are black.
O bservations. Such is the defeription of a fpecimen in the poffeffion of JAi[s
Blomefield, of which I have hazarded the pofition of the feathers,
as reprelented in the adjoining plate. The bird,<djh her firft re-
ceipt of it, had been manifeftly diftortfed- to a great -degree, almoft
every feather being twitted out of its place; though the bird itfelf
was more perfect than that mentioned by Sonxerat, or the one figured
in the Planches eliiminees, neither o f thele having any of the tufted
feathers, which, in the adjoining plate, hang over the thighs.
Sonnerat, indeed, talks of two lets of feathers, one that takes rile
above the wings, and the other from beneath them; but does not
mention the loofe herring-bone onesfo conlpicuous in the bird which
I have deferibed from : and the Planches enliiminees is deftitute
both of the laffi, as well as thofe which hang on each fide of the
tail. It is to be hoped that future connoifieurs in matters of this
kind will not omit fetting us to rights, whenever it may be their
good; fortune to meet with this bird alive 5 for in this, as
well as the whole of the Paradife Birds, conjefture mutt fupply
fome defefts; as the natives aft with this fpecies as with thofe, by
throwing away what by them are effieemed the ufelefs parts, and
fo tranfpofing the feveral remaining ones, as to make the beautiful
remnant appear to the beft advantage, as a mere ornament, for as-
fuch only it is valued by them.
P e a c s . This fpecies inhabits New Guinea,.
Xe Promereps des Barbados, Sri/, orn. iL p. 466. N° 4.
‘ orange, Buf, oif, vi. p. 474,
Avis Paradifiaca, Americana, elegantiffima, Seba, i. p, 102. t. 66. f. 3.
*jpHIS is the fize o f a Starling: length nine inches and a half.
The bill is thirteen lines long, very pointed, and of a gold
colour; the bafe of the bill is furrounded with a few red feathers :
the head and neck gold-colour: the rett of the body orange
yellow ; the greater quills are reddifh orange; the letter ones of
the fame colour as the body : the tail is three inches and three
quarters long, the feathers all equal in length, and of the fame
colour as the greater quills: the legs yellow.
This is faid, by Br.iffon, to come from Barbadees*.
Le Promerops ja-une dll Mexique, Sri/, on. ii. p.467. N°
Le Promerops orange (thefemale), Buf. oif. vi. p. 474.
Cochitolotl, RaiiSytt. p. 168.—Fernand. Hift. N. Hifp. ch. 161.
is of the fame fize with the laft. The bill is black 4 the
irides pale yellow : the head, throat, neck, and wings, are
covered with an irregular mixture of cinereous and black 4 the
reft o f the bird is yellow : the legs are afh-colour; and the claws
This inhabits the hotter parts of Mexico, where it feeds on fmall
worms and feeds.
Buff on, with great probability, fuppofes this to be thefemale o f
the other.
•This bird, Sofia fays, is found in the northern parts of Guiana, in the fmall
iilands Jituated in the mouth of the river Serhiee; and it feems maoifelt that Seba
meant this very Ipot, lince his words are, ‘ ‘ in Infulis Berbicenfibus,” which clearly
means Berbice, rather than Barbaeloei.
4 U
D e scrip t ion
Pl ace.
V ar . A.
D escrip t ion
F emale.
G enus