T u ez.
Le Barbu des Maynas, Sri/, orn. iv. p. 102. N° 5. pi. 7. f. 3.— PI. tr.S
Le beau Tamatia, Suf. oif. vii. p. 98.
e~T~ HIS is a very beautiful fpecies, being o f a left, clumly make
"*■ than rmoft of the others, and more lively in difpofition.
It is of the lize of a Sparrow: length five inches and three quarters.
Bill ten lines long, and o f an afh-colour, with the edges and
tip of a yellowilh white: top of the head, fides, and throat, red,
edged round with light blue: at the corners of the mouth begins
a ftreak of the laft, dividing the red on each fide: the upper
parts of the body and tail are green 3 the laft cuneiform, and com-
pofed o f ten feathers: the quills are brown, with the outer edges
green : the fore part of the neck and breaft deep yellow : on the
lower part of the breaft is a pretty large red fpot 5 the reft of the
parts beneath yellowilh white, fpotted longitudinally with green:
the legs and claws are alh-cplour.
Inhabits the country of Maynas, on the borders of the river
Amazons, in South America j and perhaps in other parts of that
continent alfo.
Tamatia noir & blanc, Suf. oif. vii. 99.
Le plus grand Barbu a gros bee de Cayenne, PI. enl. 689.
r^H IS is about feven inches in length, and is lomewhat remarkable
for the fize of the bill, which exceeds that of the other
fpecies both in length and thicknefs ; it is pretty hooked; and, as
it were, divided into two parts at the tip, like the firft fpecies. 3
s the
the colour black : the forehead is white : the crown of the head
and nape black : on the fore part, this colour is prolonged downwards,
and half furrounds the eye : the forehead, fides under
the eye, throat, and fore part of the neck, are white, extending in
a narrow collar round the nape behind : the lower part of the
neck, back, and wing coverts, are black, margined with duiky
white : acrofs the breaft a band of black : the quills and tail are
likewife black; but the feathers of the laft have white tips : the
belly and vent are white : the fides and thighs black and white
mixed: and the legs duiky.
Inhabits Cayenne.
Tamatia noir Sc blanc, Suf. vif. vii. p.99.
Le plus petit Barbu a poitrine noire tie Cayenne,' PI. enl. 688.
n pH IS bird is much lefs than the laft, and meafures only five
inches in length. The bill is pretty large in proportion,
and bifid at the tip, as the laft fpecies: thé colours of the plumage
are only two, viz. black and white, like the laft, but are
differently difpofed : the upper parts are black, but there is a
little mixture of white on the forehead, and a fpot of white on
the fcapulars : behind the eye is a ftreak of white : the throat
and fides of the neck are white: On the breaft a broad band of
black, which. extends upwards a little way into the white on the
fides of the neck, like a crefcent: from this to the tail the under
parts are white, except on the fides under the wings, where there
is a mixture of black : the tail is black, tipped with white : the
legs duiky.
This likewife inhabits Cayenne.
3 S 1
D escription«