P. B.
mentioned birds may be mere fexual differences of that defcribed
by Sonnerat.
Thefe birds inhabit New Guinea,
Lç Càlybé de la Nouvelle Gainée, Suf. oif. iiï. p. 173.—PI. enl. 634,
L ’Oifeau de Paradis verd, Sun. Soy. p. 164.. pl. 99.
T ENGTH fixteen inches. The bill is flout and thick, and rather
bent at the end ;. the colour black : the feathers of the
head are of a velvety texture, and come very forward on the
upper mandible 4 the plumage in general is of a fine blue, changing
into green in different lights, or fea-green : the back,, belly,
rump, and tail,, are fteel blue, and very glofiyv
This fieems to be the fame with one in Sir Jofeph Banks’s col-
fettion. The bill in that bird was an inch and a quarter long:
the tongue even at the end,, and furnifhed with briftles- : the tail
cuneiform ; the two middle feathers feven inches long ; the outer
ones three inches and. three quarters :. the whole plumage of the
head and body feemed frofted, each feather being abfolucely
curled at the edges: the head and neck appeared to have the
mod refledtion of green, and the body molt inclined to purple ;
rite wings were wholLy wanting.
The bird above defcribed came from New. Guinea..
This can be no other bird than that of Sonnerat above quoted,,
which he fays is a trifle bigger and longer than the King Paradife
Bird. The bill black : irides red : the bird is wholly, of a fine
green colour, which has the glofs of polijhed fleet: the feathers of,
the head, neck, and body, are fhrall, and ranged one over another
like the Jcales o f a fijh, and appear in different lights to be blue
and green alternate: the legs blackifh.
Oriolus attreus, Lin. Syf. i. p. 163. N° 19.
Le Troupial« deslndes, Brif. orn. app. p. 37. N° 31*
Le Rollier de Paradis, Buf. oif. iii. p. 149*
Golden Bird of Paradife, Exl<w. pl. iiz»
Lt*v. Muf.
P. B.
T ENGTH eight inches. Bill an inch long, father bent, and of
a brown Colour, darkeft at the tip : the throat, and fore part
o f the neck, for an inch and a quarter, are covered with black velvety
feathers: the head, neck, and body, of a fine orange gold-
colour ; beneath yellow: the edge of the wings and the tail are
black j the laft has yellow fhafts, and is fringed with yellow
near the tip : the legs were wanting, as well as the quills, in
Edwards’s fpecimen, from which he figured his bird ; but in the
Leverian Mufernn there is a perfedt one, in which I find the quills
and tail to be black ; in other things like that of Edwards.
D escription*
Suppofed to inhabit the fame places as the former ones. Place.
3 0 .2 G e n u s