Le Grenat, Buf. eif. vi. p. 4S.
*^jpHE length of this bird is five inches. The bill is ten or
twelve lines long: the cheeks juft beneath the eye, the fides
and lower part of the neck, and the throat as far as the breaft, are
o f a fine bright garnet-colour: the upper part o f, the head, the
back, as well as the under parts of the "body, are of a velvety
black : the wings and tail are of the fame colour, but gilded with
green glofs. This is the whole of ttuffcns dcfcription; from
•which I have ventured to place it as a variety, arifing eith er fio
age or fex.
Trochilus jugularis, tin . Syji. i. p. 190. N° 7
he Colibria gorge carmin, Buf. aif. vi. p. 56.
K.ed-breaited Humming-bird, Edn/j. glean, t. 266. f, 1.
T fH IS Ipecies is four inches and a half long. The bill is thirteen
lines in length, and pretty much curved, not unlike that
o f a Creeper, and black : the top of the head, hind part of the
neck, the belly, thighs, and tail, of a dulky brown or black ; the
edges of the feathers a little fringed with blue : the fides of the
head, and the throat as far as the breaft, fine red or carmine, and
bright as a ruby : the wings are of a fine dark green, with a glofs
like that o f polilhed gold j infide green: the rump, and upper and
under tail coverts, fine blue : legs Ihort and blackifh.
This is an inhabitant of Surinam.
V ar. A.
H. B.
D escription..
P lace.