P l a c s .
fame, palling through the eyes to the hind head : over the eyes
a. ftripe of white : and beneath the eye a. rufous fpot: the upper
parts of the neck, body, wings, and tail, are very bright green,
and the under parts rufous : the quills are blue: and the tail feathers
green on the outer eeges : legs and claws black.
This inhabits the Eaft Indies. Brijfon defcribed it from a
painting fent to him from M. Poivre.
Aleedo dea,. Lin. Syft* i. p. 181* N° ij,
Le Martin-pefcheur de Ternate, Brif. orn. hr. p. 525* N° 25. pi. 40. £ zv
—PL enl. 116.
Le Martin-pecheur a longs brins, Buf. oif. vii. p. ip6.
Martin-pecheur des Moluques, Salem, orn. p. 126. N° 10;
, b i s c m r T i o N . g I Z E of a Starling: total tength thirteen inches'and a: quarter.
Bill Ihort, and above half an inch thick at the bale, and an>
inch and three quarters long j the colour a fine orange : the head
and hind part of the neck are glofiy blue, lighted on the top of
the head : the back and fcapulars brown, margined with deep,
blue: wing coverts blue : quills- the fame j. the infides and tips>
black : the under parts of the body and rump white, with a tinge
o f rofe-colour : the tail confifts of ten feathers j the two middle
ones are very long, and exceed the next hy four inches, and the
outer ones by five inches and a half; the two long feathers,
are webbed only about one-third from the bafe, and at the tips,,
the intermediate parts almoft naked,, and of a blue colour; the
bafe and tips rofe-coloured white, with a blue fpot on the outer
^web ; the reft o f the tail feathers are of a rofy white, with the
outer edges brown,the legs and daws are reddilh.
2 . T h e
The long tail feathers in the male are faid to be longer than in
the female by one-third.
Inhabits Ternate, one of the Molucca IJles. P lacs.
Le Martin-pefcheur de Cayenne, Brif. orit.ir. p. 492. N® 10.
Le Taparara, Buf. oif. vii. p. 207.
25 •
q - 'H IS is very little lefs than a Starling, and is near nine inches
and a half in length. The bill is two inches j the upper
mandible black, the lower red: the hind part o f the neck, the
back, and fcapulars, are of an elegant blue : rump and upper tail
coverts bright beryl-blue : beneath the hind head is a tranfverfe
band o f black : the under parts of the body are white : wing coverts
blue : quills edged with blue : tail the fame; but the two
middle feathers wholly blue: the legs red.
D escription.
Inhabits Cayenne and Guiana, at which laft place the natives call
all the Kingsfijher tribe by the name Taparara. In this part of
South America, which contains m?ny rivers fu ll. of filh, many
Kingsfifhers in courfe are likely to be found; and this is really the
cafe, for they abound in vaft numbers; but what is remarkable,
they never herd together, always being found Angle, except in
breeding-time, which M. Le Borde, who has obferved them, fays,
is about the month of September. They lay their eggs in the
holes of banks, like the Kingsfilher of Europe. The cry of this
bird imitates the word Carac.
P laces«
( M t Alcedo