N° 32. Black-breafted K.
33. Surinam K.
N 3 34. Supercilious K,
33. White-billed K.
* * W I T H T H R E E T O E S .
36 Three-toed K.
THE chara&ers of this genus are:
The bill long, ftrong, ftrait, ftiarp-polnted.
Noftrils fmall; and in many fpecies hid in the feathers.
Tongue fhort, broad, fharp-pointed.
Legs Ihort, three toes forward, and one backward*: three
lower joints of the middle toe joined clofely to thofe o f the outmoft.
Every part of the world is furnifhed with one or other of the
Kingsfijher tribe ; but it is believed that Europe pofiefles only a
Angle fpecies. Moll of the genus frequent rivers, and live on
fifh, the Angularity of catching which is admirable : fometimes
hovering over the water, where a fhoal of fmall Allies is feen playing
near the furface j at other times waiting with attention, on fome
low branch, hanging over the water, for the approach of a Angle
one, who is fo unlucky as to fwim that way; in either cafe dropping
like a ftone, or rather darting with rapidity on his prey, when,
feizing it crofs-ways in his bill, it retires to a refting-place, to feaft
on i t ; which it does piecemeal, bones and all, without referve,
afterwards bringing up the indigeftible parts in pellets, like birds
of prey.
The wings o f moil of the genus are very Ihort, yet the birds
fly rapidly, and with great ftrength.
* One fpecies excepted, which has but three toes in all.
It may be remarked, that throughout this genus, blue, in different
lhades, is the molt predominant colour.
* W i t h F O U R T O E S .
Le grand Martin pefcheur de la Nouvelle Guinée, Son. Voy. n, 171,
*-]T*HIS is the largeft fpecies yet known, and is in length eigh- D e s c r ip t io h .
teen inches. The bill is very large, ftrong, thick at the
bafe, .bent at the end, and three inches and a quarter long; the
upper mandible black, the under white, with the bafe only black :
the feathers of the head are elongated fufficient to form a moderate
creft: the feathers are narrow and brown, ftreaked with paler
brown : Ades of the head above the eye, and hind part of the
head, dirty white, with a mixture of dulky; beneath the eyes,
and the Ades o f the neck, deep brown: upper part of the back
and wings olive brown ; the lower part and rump ftne pale blue
green : on the middle of the wing coverts a large patch of glofty
pale blue green : outer edges of the quills blue; within, and tips,
black; the bafe of fome of them white, forming a fpot: tail ftve
inches and a half long, rounded at the end, barred ferruginous,
and fteel black, with a glofs of purple; the end, for one inch,
white: the under parts of the body dirty white, tranfverfely
ftreaked with narrow dulky lines : legs yellow: claws black.
In one of thefe, fuppofed to be a female, the head was not F emale,
crefted: the crown plain deep brown : the under parts of the
body white, which encircled the neck as a collar, at the lower
p a rt: the whole back and wings olive brown ; fome of the mid-
4 1 die
pl.106.— Pl. enl. 663.
Le plus grand Martin pêcheur, Buf, oif. vii. p. 1S1.