7Q2 C R E E P E R,
as a fly on a glafs window. Its food is principally, if not wholly,
infefts, which it finds in the chinks, and among the mofs, of trees.
It builds its neft in fome hole o f a tree, and lays generally five eggs,
very rarely more than feven*-; thefe are alh-coloured, marked at
the end with fpots and ftreaks of a deeper colour ; and the fhell is
obferyed to be pretty hard.
It remains in the places which it frequents during the winter,
and builds its neft early In the fpring.
I * grand Grimperean, Sri/ , or«, iii. p.£ o j .— S s f . tif. v. p. 486.
* vGran-Specht, Fri/cb• t. 39.
^ ^JpHIS bird differs merely in fize from the other, being bigger i
-•thole who have feen it, aver that the manners are alike, except
in one circumflance ; for Klein ‘S fays, that it is fo tame as to
duffer him .to catch it with the hand as it was running up a treer
2. Certhiaviridis, Sa>p, anti. i. p. 52. N° 60.
D escription T HIS> %sScoP o l i > is the fize of the laft nearly: a blue ftripe
runs from the bafe of the bill, and defcends down the neck on
each fide : a rufous fpot on the throat: the plumage on the upper
parts of the body is greenifh; on the under pale yellow, mixed
* Alb in, and other authors, fay as far as twenty.; but Jiuffbn denies this from
:his own obfervations ; how it would be i f the eggs were taken away, as mif.
.chievous boys fometimes ferve the innocent Wren, I know not; perhaps it might
.in that cafe continue to lay on till its flock was exhaufled.
Qrd, a/v. p, 107»