V ar. B.
D escription.
white : quills brown, edged with glofiy copper: tail blackiflv;
the outer feather tipped with white: legs and claws brown.
The bird from which Edwards drew his figure, had a label tied,
to it, by the name of Honey-thief *.
Grimpereau troifieme de rifle de Luyon, Son. Voy. p. 63. t. 30. D.
Soui-matiga a gorge violette & poitrine rouge, Ruf. oif. v. p. 499.
SONNERHT defer ibes this in the following manner: The
if] head is of a pale green : the throat glofiy violet: breaft of
a red colour, between vermilion and carmine: back and wing
coverts reddilh cheftnut: quills black: rump and tail the colour
of polilhed ft.ee!,, with, a glofs of green : under tail coverts dull
This and the laft but one appear to.be varieties of each other.;
and Buffon fuppofes that of Edwards to be the fame bird likewife,.
not yet come to its colour. What leads him the more to think,
fo is, that all of them are indigenous to the Philippine IJles.
* That they are fond of honey is manifeft, from thofe who keep birds at the
Cape of Good Hope having many forts in large cages, and fupplying them with only
honey and water; but befides this,,they catch a great many flies, which com£
within the reach of their confinement; and.thefe two make up their whole fub-
flftence ; indeed, it has been attempted to trarifport • them further, but the
want o$ flies on board a fhip prevented them living more than three weeks ; fiö
aeceflary are infedls to their fubfiflence. Hiß. des oif. v. p. 494..
Certhia Senegalenfis, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 186. N° 14.
Le Grimpereau violet du Sénégal, B rif orn. ïii. p. 660. N®
f. 2.
Le Souf-manga violet à poitrine rouge, Baf, oif. v. p. 500.
•.g. pi. 34.
/~ pH IS is a little bigger than a Wren : length five inches. Bill
ten lines in length, and black : the top of the head and the
throat are green gold, glofted with copper: the reft of the body,
above and beneath, are of a violet black: fore part of the neck
and breaft of a bright red.: but this is only when, the plumage
lays fmooth; for, on obfervation, each feather of the laft-named
parts is black at the bottom, then green gold, and the end only
red : the thighs are violet brown : greater wing coverts, quills,
and tail, brown : legs and., claws blackifh.
Inhabits Senegal,,
7 ° 9 i l
CR. ''il
i - f
D escription*
! 1
Pi ACS-.
Cerihia chalybea, Lin. Syß. i-. p. 186* N° 10..
Le Grimpereau ä collier du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. iii. p. 645,
pi. 32. f. 1.
Le Soui-manga a collier, Buf. oif. v. p. 502.
Grimpereau du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Pi. enl. 246. f. 3.
Purple Indian Creepers, Ednv. 265.
J ,ENGTTI four inches and a half. Bill ten lines long, and
blackilh : the head, neck, throat, and upper parts of the
body, are green gold, bronzed with copper ; except the upper tail
coverts, which are limply green gold: the breaft of a beautiful
red ; this colour is feparated from the green of the neck by a fteel
blue band, in fome lights appearing green,, and making as it were
a collar:
D escription.
M )