the middle o f which wa$: a:-tendon; J t had, four toes
on each wing, with fharp nails- divided like the web-
foot o f a duck * ; and on the. extremity ; of, each pinion,
where the toes are joined/ was a nail or claw-;,to
afiift if/in crawling, like fjts:rjliinde|,.,|ep|i&i)y
which it hangs Suspended- when afleep to trees, rocks,
roofs, &c. i
One o f the marines havingthis morning; taken a murine
ov ptoufe oppojffum, I lhall alfo take tire opportunity
of describing it, and prefent it to the reader as I dpfigned
it from the life. This animal differs, widely in forne,particulars
from the description. p f gpigijt^r :§*$$$ -*tt7.
For instance, it was much Swifter, than any of theoppof-
fums that. he fpeaks of, and had the -whole tailxoyered
over with hair inftead of Scales, to the beft'rpf my remern-
'brance; if, however* pay. light deceived me* I am ho|j|he
only erroneous writer on the fpbjedt o f vthis animal.
Lirinausg|Spba, and Mr. ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ t ^ l a f l ' .p f whpm
l am acquainted, confider .it asjcommon to both the old
and new continent; wherea? all
edly inhabitants; o f America only. ..£wm»us is alfo mistaken
when he afferts, that all bats have four cutting teeth
in each faW1.— %See Uuffon, F o l.Y >;page 282.) J '
' This murine oppofium was not more than the fize of
a very large moufe. It was perfectly black, except the
Tefembled thofeuf.a.rat: the ears were long, rounded, c h a p
and transparent :.i;its tpes,.were twenty -ip number, one xxii.
oft each foot being,placed behind, and lervingas^.a thumb.
It had ten or. tWelye paps, tol which the young -ones ftick
fall, it'TsUlaid-, ;as Soon j as. produced, whenThey are not
larger than Small; beetles but it, wanted that pouch
whichjrsj common to all. other oppoflupis^I in place of
this- there .were two; longitudinal [folds gn the infide of
<§aoh thigh, equally adapted to prpfe-rve its offspring from
;pvery injury, which not‘togtqres‘*jrftat^rA not eyen,fire,
will make it forfake. _ I have only ^tq .add, that' it burrows
in the 'ground, and often; .climbs -trees; but it feeds
like a, moufe on gralh, frujts^nd -rook!- Of the other
Species I Shall defer the defcription tiU.-ch^hce affords me
a|-opportunity. -
Madam Mprion mentipns:pne kindpfjthem, which, in
time of^danger, carries, its. young Pines, upon its back :
but thif . animal, Leobfefs, I peveriheardpf in- Surinam,
and amcperfuaded o f its non-exiftence.i
I I have already fiated: that, frpm Some .unaqcpuntable
d)elay,, i t was very-date this morning before,- we: left thp,
cafeip;, we, nevertheless, all parted at M i . I having the
van.-guard with the rangers*, and the poor marines loaded
each man: with nine Mays provjfigns 'on his back. In
thisvppndition We had not proceeded long,, jvhen one
of the rangets Sounding hi§ horn, they Spread, and I
among them,., all inftantly fa llj^ jla t upon the ground,
with our firelocks cocked, and ready to engage; but this,
Vo l . IT. U however,