confifts o f a cotton fheet, negligently tied'acrofs his CHAP,
ftiouldefs^ which protects him from the weather, and , XX‘ f
^eryes him «ftfp to-reft 9jns; while he always fleeps tinder '
iegyer in ‘ the moftj ^^cyre^ac^s he xap||nd,. when de~
tached ffrom his-’ companions. The reft o f his drefs is a
camifa, tied around his loins like a handkerchief; his
pouch, which is made of fome animal’s fk in ; a few
cotton firings; for ornament around his ancles arid wriftsj
and .a fuperftitiou^^li^ Qr^amule|ftjed;ah'9ht his .neck, in
Whichhey places a$. hisjcM^d^ce!*;The;^nl'l and ribs are
fuppofed^to b efhe bgnes^of hi« (enemies-yfc^ttered upon
.the -fandy favannahi >
||y T n p , t wo ^rangers ^ho make their appearance,at a diff
stance^iftinguiih^ by fheir rjd ,cq"p§,\, and here I
;muft obferve, -that the xebels^haye many Airirej? availed
themfelv^iof feizing .pne^*Qfcthe£e ^fgarlet, ehftindiions,
which by; clapping on theipowh he^ds; in, an engagement,
has not Only- fayed- theirJiye|y but. given themj an opportunity
pf-fliootihg their*enemies, r<<¥ • ,
Another ftratagem of theirs has fometimes been dif-
covered, v iz. that fire-arms being fcarce amongft them,
numbers have intermixed in the crowd, with a crooked
flick fhaped fomething like a mufket-j and this appearance
has more than once had the effedt o f preventing a
proper defence by the plantation flaves, when the rebels
name to ranfack the eftates; while with this fliow of
armed numbers they, have often ftruck fuch a panic, '
and fo damped the courage of the former, that they have
V o l . II. N , been