large as life» and the new-mara confiderably lefs.. The CHAP,
drawings were honoured in Surinam with the epithets o f t XVII‘ .
mafterly performances^
Several officers who kept poultry and hogs at this period
loft*all the latter in the fpace of two days, being poi-
fbned probably by, eating duncane,; or fome Other fatal-
weed that was, unknown to us. And lyet! it has been a,
genera^ obfervation, as I have faid before, that all animals
know by inftinóï to diftinguïfti their foód from their,
’ Mf'. Sèyburg now returned from the Hope m triumph,
With LieUfenant DeBemn^Qcme o f Colonel Fourgeoud’s
officers)*guairded by a ferjeant and fix marines with fixed'
bayóóets, for- having been warftihg iid refpecft, as .that
^entlërrian fdeaféd to call it.
On the 7th, the fick officers and" joldlers alfo arrived
from the Hope' in ba!rges: ' fome of the latter, being too*
ill to bear removin'g^fdifed on .the .paflage withoiit medi-
ciiies, and without” affiftance.' One1 of our furgeons died"
alfo this day in camp, and a number Of the privates died
daily. This was* the confeqfience o f having marched fo
inuch ih the wet feafcin," which was judged however by.
our chief, to be the only feafon in which he was likely to.»
root the rebels, from the foreft o f Guiana.!
C H A P .