■ £ H Aft
- $$f A R R A T T V E O F* 'A NThe'two
higheft mountains in South America, are that;
peak o f the Andes called C/6^^orK&bf4vhi|h • meafuiteS”"-
20,460 geometrical- feet above the furface o f the'South
.Sea-; -having,, though under th'ejinef 4 0 0 0 its
fummit continually, covered with fnow. The other is -
•that, on the Hope of which is built the city- of Quito, at
the heighth o f 9,370 - feet, and is thought fte> be the
higheft inhabited land in-South America, i f not in 'the
We ft ill continued marching north,, on the-fth^fivfef
mountains,sfrom which, at intervals, we had-*iuind^uht3‘
ed ly th e moft- ’enchanting profp^s^as:- welhifom the
wftdnefs" o f thepountry, as .the heautifuf -variegated '
verdure difplayed in fo manf different , l h a ^ through
this amazing-foreft. Here I faw a' bird which is called a
woodcock, which appears to have much of the colour of
thofe in Europe, but which, flew very h e a v i l y I was
however informed, that it- can run with incredible fw-ift-
nefs. But- the objedts which moft aftradtea'my.'attcntion
wereithe arnotia-treesa.- few or which we met with of
thefe I have copied one of the twigs- with great ex.a.dtnefs.
- This tree,, which i'stalfo called the vowcoiv, or' th£
tree, and by the Indians cojf&wee, may rather he: ftiled
• a fhrub, as it does not grow above twelve feet in height...
The leaves, are greener on- one fide than- the other, and
are divided by.-fibres of a. r.eddifh brown colour,, alftu
. the ftem.; the pods, ’Which, arenas, large. as::.a fmall hen’s-
egg,, are hviftled like the outer hufk of atchefnut. At
firft they are a beautiful rofe colour, which,; as they
8 | v ripen,»
f i l l
Londoib,^Publurhcd' DecTk^tjoi, .by J. Jonruon, S^Paxds OudrdvlLard