£he Rebels ßy forRrpU&im to Cayenne^third' March to
; Gado-Saby-^A■ fécond Re-infotcement Trbopf- df¥f4 *e
« -ßroMt Holland—Shipwreck- o f the ’franfport Paramaribo
—Manch totRl(r:Gome^dna^2^fmal^&tpt^:pß4>^4ß .
\ ; and of Mortaiity^r-fhe Peace o f thèGélony reßorecU 9
® t h e joth lof November,
»■ — y — f other gentlemen, I new once more <fefr ônt inva^lOnt
barge for the encampment at the Cajfeepore Greek ; and
this day the whole colony was full of frnoke, the woodshav~
ing taken lire near the fea fide by fome unknown accident.
On our paflage we met Colonel cfexier,.wba came from thè
poll Vredenburghy at theMarawina, with a detachment*,
and allured us, that linee the blow we gave to the rebels at
Gado-Saby,, they were moftly fled to.the other fide of that
great river, where they found refuge amongft the French
who were fettled in Cayenne-r he had, however,, taken a.
woman, and Meuten ant ''Keen took' two men, and killed
two more, while the two new black volunteer companies-
Supported the honour of their colours, which they had
received with fo much ceremony from the governor, by
eccafionally bringing in captives from the fea ihore be7
hind Paramaribo, in which they were affifted by the Indians,
who had voluntarily fought and defeated the enemy
there,, more than once«?. Thus every thing promifed fair c h ap.
to. crown our endeavours with fuceefs,' and finally to re- xxvin*
eftablifh fafety anti tranquillity in the colony.;
Oh oüfpaflage, wé: flopped at the eftate Saardan, the
proprietor of which (by a late marriage): was our Lieutenant
Golonel Z)^ Borgnesl I faimd here an American .
failor whoyame.ta.lbad-molaflfes,jand havinguanKinelina^ ’
tion to. try-.the ikilhof .the new planter (and his oyerfeer)
in'Ium, Tdefitédhhs ta rto colour a* couple' of .gallons. o f
pll~devil made, at the.!very fame .plantation,-;and .bring '
them afhore as;.ruiii brought f r o m H e did fo,
and theyjgave hintrin exchange for it a-fix gallon k6g:of
the very-fame lpirits; dedaring it- was nmch«betterThan
'their own, and then drank the contents in punch, to my
very.- great entertainment, ; .Thevfailor faidthe' fliould
^ploüc.the fix»gallóns;alfp-,'. and. did not: doubt of loading
his boat: to thé wateris. edge beforé he reached Paramaribo,;
•*f Smch,. in d l countries,: is; theTorce ofi prejudice::
s Having;.been | very >wdll: entertained: at I Saardan, we
fet .forward,: and arrived Mét inythe encampment at the>
Gaflfeépore.Greekj .in Cottica River, on the 13th; where
in flapping afhore, being withdut Ihoes'and ftockirtgs,:
I narrowly efcapedJbeing b&temby' adand-fcorpion. This
infed is o f the laze of a.fmall cray-fifh, andhhas' an oval
body |? its colour-is like that of foot, and it tis- jointed in
moyeablc rings , it has eight legs, divided by-joints, and
tw 9 jpinted claws projedihg from thef heady appearing
like part of the body» with.fudi: fmall .eyes that,they are?
S f 2 hardly