E X P E D I T I O N T O SÜ R INA. M. 75
ftrawberrie§5' plums, apricots,, and peaches, nor even CHAP.
v , xix,
commonapplesorpears. * i . .
From the above reformations, I take the liberty to lay*
thdt' allowing Mad* Merian due praifie for her beautiful
and valuable perfQrnïamté uponi the whole, foe has ftill
fader? into veity' notable miftakesso Toi <sörr®9;-thetn is a
duty ineumberit on fxtture-ofefervers j n&r ddfe< by any
means imply a général çenfûf e<m the elegant work in quef-
tion, nor can it appear extraordinary that it Ihould contain
fome errors, when lfife confia er- thdt-it is^above an hundred
years ago fince Aie prefonfêâ hec'difcoveries to the world.
In the cöurfe o f fo many-yeàfs-therefore mankind,» by
long e&pëî$énce and èôhtihhediiS^Mgàfidfi, havé bécome
moré enlightened, and’are ihure aéburatéïy ïhfbrmed.;
P Being now oócé more atTafamariboy irniaymot beiirf-
. proper to dive A bur attention for a while from the animal
Ifobgoverhitibbt b# this
fine colony*"; a topfb'Wlfidb, I'aM^rfuadédrTóöfebof my
j: ;feut nothdvfn^fiad a
previous opportunity of gratifying their curiôfiîÿ, I will
no longer delay the neoefikr-y ■ information, though to
fome the detail mày. appear dry abd unentertaining.»
I have Already mentioned the1,nature o f the charter,
and ftated,' that at prefent two-thirds Sttrinam belong
to the’ fowfo bf Athfierdamj dnd one-tMrd to th b t o
India Company : alfo, that ¥hë juâîêlàl pBwer isïéxéfetfèd
fey foveral different courts’ of Judicature. I foall iiow
proceed to dfefcribe them’ in théir1 propër order, -as deli-
%■ L 2 yered