E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . 281
aBdï'Mi-nets ibrjfMefc with this money he buys, a hog c h a p
oi?l two, 'foiiaélkaes fowls’ of ducks,: all .which he fattens XXVI-
vpon the spontaneousJgrowth o f -the foil, without ex-
pence,, and véry little trouble, arid, in the* end* they afford
him- confiderablè profiS. Thus?. pleafantlyTituated* he is
exempt from^ery^nxiilfy, arid pays no^ taxes,, but looks
up to his m ater as the* only, p ro te c t , 0j? him and his family
». He < adores him* not ffomfearj but from a eon-
yidtjW that- he is. indebted alto- his, griodméfs for aR
the .comforts, h% enjoys. He b r i l l e s .. in i luxurious J
.warm climate,, dike.- his -own, -which; itendjers..1clothes
uumeoeffar^/ and. he- fihdshimfeif • more healthy, as well
its.more.at his, eafe* by, going naked, Efls hoxife he may
build after his own fancy.- The foreff affbfdsirim, fevdry
neceflaary; material for the cutting. «His bed as--a hammock,
oraamat ca%d papaya. His pots-he manufactures
himfelf,- and his. dithes- are gourds, which grbw in his
garden. He never lives with a wife he-doefe-i$öt léve, exchanging
for another the-moment either he or flie becomes.
tired,- though this reparation happens lefs frequently
here than divorces do in Europe. Befides thé
regular allowance given him by Ms miffed weekly*- his
female friend has the art o f making many f lo u r y
dxfhes; Rich as braf, pv a Hodge-podge o f plantains
and yams boiled with fait meat, baibaéued fhh, and
Cayenne pepper, is a very good pudding,
corapofed of the flour off Indian corn, boiled; with flefli,
V0L‘ IL 0 0 fowl,