E X P E D I T I O N - T O S U R I N A M . • 43
“ legs^are't'od long. It iC'not mentioned by any author c h a p .
“ or travelleyft^I fliewed it to feveral perfoiis who had’ , XVII~.
“ lived long ir^Sufiiiatai, but none o f them knew i t ;
“ hence dt either." muff be a rare animal, even in its |
“ native country, or it muft live‘ in- deferts’ and urifre-
“ quented places the length of its body is about feven
“ inches; I have riot been able tö learn any thing o f its
0$ hidtory;”
To this I fhall only add my furprize.^- It is true that
this animal is very rare in Surinam, .but it probably owes
its? not being defcribed by naturalifts to its Extreme fero-
- city, which is without example^ it ’being- a'very uncommon
circumftance to falle ä cra^bö-ßägo''or grifon alive. - •1
Our old commainder and I'were nfrwinfeparable friends,'
. to whole board being daily invited, he requefted me\tb:
paint Iw^-portrait at full lengthen his bulb equipage,’
which was-to be engraved'at the'expence of the town o f '
Ankfterdam, and wheffe thöüght himfe'lf now as great
a man as the D u k eo f Cumberland was in England after
the battle o f Ciillctden.
Having provided a large Iheet o f paper, änd fome
China ink, I began to delineate this* Wonderful chir*
rafter in his own hut. While I .'was-now looking full
in his face, to examine-the'features o f this firft of def-
pots, and laughing aloud, to thirikdidv^he- Jänd I now' fat I
flaring at, one another, the whole mountain 'was fud- '
denly fhook by a tremendous clap of thufrddr* while the
lightning aftually feorched the Colonel’s forehead; and*
G a what