c a a B. about 6 1 d. The. bell eftates* o f which. Atkmaar i$ pnc*
xxiy>, produce yearly above. 80,000 lbs, weight. ;
In the plate annexed^-^ds the leaf above, M below *;
C, the woiQ^ j i jD? the f l o w e r E, the yo u l^ ,p|ilp ?i: F,
the fame in perfection; and G, the feeds or 1 nuts [to make
the chocolate.
On the 217th we returned to town, where the day before
a Society foldier w^IhotJ|for mutiny;/and the day folM
lowing a (hip was burnt in the roads. A t this; time the
celebrated free negro *’Qwali,. who was the prophet,
prieft, andkhïg-of the rangers, 8cc. went tejHolWd on
a vifit to the Prince of Orange, witlnjetters o f recommendation
from Fourgeoud, whole praifes he was to re-
found , as well.tas to. complain of the .Governor for not
treating him with due refpeCt. . This,- being the period
for the fcffiohs,; another negro’s leg was-cot’off for bulking
from a talk to which hë was unequal; while two
more were rxindemned to be hanged, forerunning* away
altogether. The heroi^behavioufsofjóae o f thefe men
before the court defervef^ particular!y to be noticed f i e
begged only to b § heard Tor a few moments f;whicb being
granted, .he proceeded thus ;
f* 1 was born in Africa, where, defending my prince
*f during an engagement, I was made a captive,, and fojd
(< for a Have on the coaft of Guinea by my own country-
* Drs. Bancroft ?n4 Brook? fay, thé ieaFTis jJghTdwve'w# Wfj? b?ïöw, which
|.n my original.drawing is quite the reverie,.
** men.'