E X P E D I T I O N T O SU R I N A M. 221
Eo,wfgeoOd beingareacTiecl; me, ; unfortunately fell overboard
ifi^o the/ - wajer, .and4 fapk, im m ed ia te ly fem e
officers,.however,- the, next day, coming to the .Hope*
inform^ m-9, of the principal contents,. v iz. that Colonel
Fonr^iopd^rheingidetermined;,once.-.-rnpre to fcour the
wppds, had ordered- me to fend up; all -my fpare men
and proyifion^,-as alfo. the .Shdejtyt^rpqps-.^ho were now
at Orapjehp»; 'thp former to Magdonbp^g,. and, the latter
to t}ie river- Pirjc^» whMh ,1- performed,, retaining .only
tw^ye crippled foldlers at the.Hopp* and as- many at Cla-
renbqpk, wit-hont either furgeomor medicines; neverthe-.
with thisdihall ni^her^Xmade, d^ily patro|es»,byiapd
and water—they alio-informed me of the death o f enfign
^an,Halmiand-that another- Ihip with,fieiwas. ordered
ihortly to,|eJ; foil. for Hollands
j Golonef Fpi^gpoudjrithpugh' he himfeLf remained ftilf
at: Paramaribo, yet continued attentively tQ 'jcpmmand*
Thus, on the',23d, he ordered a detachment of one hundred
men to rpcopnoitre from Magdepbprg to the Wana-
Creek and Marawina river, rbut they^eturned without any
nPW| diTcoveri|s-.: ^
As I was now likely to be continued at tire Hope for
fume- times I. fent for my fheep and poultry,, from the-
. eftate where 1. had. left them,, prefenting, Mr. Gourly with
a. ram and a ewe,., as- being o f a breed fuperior to any in
.the colony.;, and. J. found .with joy that my fibcks had.
confiderably encreafeddn numbers..
Qn the, 26th. one. of. my men- brought me a. fhake,,