C H A P. the Marawina; and that, inbconjuii&ion with .the rangers,
, , _ ’ , they had during this-leampaign deftroyed many fields of
pfovifions belonging to the rebels :l53l%^afnfoidthfeir
• faithful fervices, our fable aRIf^ had been -'dosnplihiented
by the Sbeiety’‘With time,
cloathe,d - in green uniform'. jackets. - I further learned
that’ the Ibegrbes
were retnthed after aTrvtitlefsyoprneyjjaairieitheriOiffidiefe
afTociat tons would lend theTnaaileftaffiftance.ii lnx.Qnfe?-
quehce’ o f tMs^refulal,-Colonel? Fciurgeoud,beifig;wearied
himfel^ and having exhaufted his troopsi®deftroy in g
molt of the rebel fettlements, at length determined to>rii-
linquifh the wholerexpeditioh; whiehi^efeluri^ h-ei ptrd-
viotrfty communieated^todiis Serene Highnefs1 the- Prince
o f Orange at ?tbe Haghe.
*i Qwthe 2.3d Treceived pofitive.ordersitQ .pceparerandbe
ready on the 15th of July»? to break bpp^thalfet^# ifeQOpj
iinder my ,>CQmmand,-;ieaye.itbe River'^Qfnewina>_and
row down to Paramaribo, where the tranfport fhips iyere
put in commiffion to- copvey u^lbjach Jidltan#* - This
order I inftantly read before the front« to a|l toy crtenywhp
reeeiveddt with unbounded joyj.and. three;pheers-r-but I
alone fighed bitterly, lag Oh ray. Jdanfi a i t Qh..my boyi!
who were' at this time both dangeronflyi®*, the one with
a fever, the other with eonyulfions, fo that neither were
expedted to furvive« Add to. this, that rr^n-.a nail quite
through, ray foot—thus was completely mi.fe;sable<;#
# During this fcene o.f licknefs and diftrefs, the Jlrin. or
• I • night'
night -r'rèwh q£ Guiana regularly paid us his nodturnal vi-
hts,:pven, ihjtbe apartment where-weTaf-’, pouring out his
melancholy'hfojGctirigi^ until he; was killed by one of my
black attendants. This "bird is’ here called Oorcfom&flocij
from'its note, to which this woijd, has forae affinity. It
is^aboutdthe fxze of a pigeon-; the bill is yellow, and
hooked like that! of a Tpairaw.-hawkthe eyes are alfo
yélfew; the.tbngue isoeïöven^ ,tHëear& veifyl vifible; the
legs ftrong, fliort, andoarrhediwith fharp claws':; thèiger
neral Colour Of rials bird is a pale brown, except the bread:
and Öelly, which are white^ntermixed with f&me fpots
o f amber".’ The fuperftitious: negroes generally believe
that where the night-owl makes his appearance mortality
"riauft' erffuè: whifch*prëjhdicfeis the more èxcufable,
as this creature only fretpientS the apartments of thé
lick ; hut the real caufe which- attracts the animal,f I apprehend
to be the lights that upon thefei'occafions are
generally kept burning all night, or poflxbly the morbid
and putrid’hir, which »eXcités^ts.; appetite, for. preys;
An old Indian woman of. Joamfals acquaintance being
now fèöt for to the Hope,' I fnyfel'f was foon-cured b y her
ikill and attention;; but'my little-family »continuedfo very-,
unwell, that I thought’it. right to fend tthemtto Paramaribo
before it was too late. And on the 10th of July I
fent all rny fheep ahff poultry to F auconberg|b bne^bOuple
of fat ewes excepted, which I killed, and-with which, by
the addition o f fifli antT ^chifori,' I entertained fo r tw o
days following twenty-four of the molt refjpeótable inhabitants