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K A R R A T I V E . Q F A N
hunger, haying been without th e . article o f . bread for
feven days, the oven,,being dropped.to -pieces^ .,Amongft'
others, one poor fellow nearly flogged^-to death for*
having borrowed one of the colonel’s, Bologna faufages;
for, let it be remembered, that -our commander in chief,
whatever might be the diftrefs and hardfhips o'f the reft,
never forgot to fupport bis. own dignity,; by at-leaft half
a dozen of flout negroes^ loaded with .bacon, hams, Bologna
feulages, bullocks tongues, tea, coffee, Tugar, Madeira
wine, Holland’s gin, &c.r^,
Courage may prompt, but, ebbing out bfs ftfengtfii*
Mere unfupported man mutt yield at length-
Shrunk with dry famine, and' with, to® decFn’d^
The drooping body will defcrt the mind 5
But built anew with health-conferring fare,
With limbs and foul untam’d, be tires a war.
At length, on the 8th, a barge amyed* not only with a
fupply o f fait beef and rulk, but a bullock and two hpgs, aSi
a prefent from Mr. Felman, who, accompanied by his lady,
&c.came actually on a vifit to Fourgeoud, in this very ftrange
encampment. The above animals being immediately killed,
they were diftributed among four hundred people; fo that
it may well be conceived the fhares, though fweet, were not
very large, after which the company walked about to view
our different habitations. Being arrived at my dwelling,
Fourgeoud led them round and round, but feeing no
door to get in, he called out, “ Nobody at home ?$ When
I in-
E.4&P E B l f l Q N TO SURINAM.
I inftabtlyk-hrufty head through the thatch, with a pan-
ctke’ih'feyhand', and offerèd tohaul in the ladies; but this
thf y^|#viîl.y îdèclined. I never Taw Fourgeoiid laugh fo
much in my Lifè, As foon, however^* as"he was able to recover
Ms* gravity', he éxclaiméà, f ’Sacre Dieu ! i l fa u t être
“ Stedman,^ilfùuT/êftk original'comme lui arid re-con-
duéted the Company to his* own ; apartment, where he gave
me an .invitation to follow them. Indeed, when Captain
Small' and 1 went out, we generally fpent our time in a
beautifuirfavannah, .where we had ereéted a green Ihed, to
be free in con verfationy and called it Ranelagb ;: here we
oanas-ifed and cracked a bottle in private, till we could crack
no4 ohgÉ& hayinglived To*wep that in a little time more
than a week my cheefe and bacon hams quite difappeared,
and not a;drop of wine or rum Waslëft in the flalks.—After
this hey as well as Iy were obliged to live on (hort allowance;
while,Small had the iatisfadtion, however, to fee his ihip-
matès.do the fame:: who, not being acquainted with the
oecbnomy'neceffary im s foreft, had made all their flour
into plum-puddingÿ and were already obliged ter break
theirjteethr pni'a piece o f .ryfe fulk.
In fhort;. fo early,as the 12th, one hundred and fifty o f
thefe newly-arrived people were already ordered to march;
when, by the! way of Teafoning them, bèfidés hèavy accoutrements
and a hammock, they had orders each man to
carry a fluffed knapfack on his back. Of this party, my
friend Small happened to be one, who being as corpulent as
Sir John FalJlajf, and I having accoutred him in the above
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