affording fuf&cient light for almoff any purpofe*. thefe
flies are above three mchesdorig, and very thick, the body
greeny with four frardparent wings variegated with little
marks o f all colours, particularly the tinder wings, on
Which. are two large roundifh fpots not unlike thole"on
the tail feathers o f a peacock. Beneath the head" of this
in fe a is feeh an inverted flraight trump or tube like a
needle, with which it is faid to f u c k e r food' from the
flowers. ' With the fame inftrumént it is here fuppöfed-
to produce that difagreeable, loud, and ^finding nolle,
which I have already noticed. But,* for » y o \ v a ‘part, I
Ihould rathfer aïcrkrè the nOife. tó*'lire flö é ë f^ |J o f its
tranfparent wings^ as‘ is fuppofed' fo be the- cafe^with
fome flies in England : a large probofds Wifebiaï flriped
red and and fhapecf likë thh firff joint Of a man’s
finger, projects from the head, and nfakd mne-third o f
the whole animal - th is protubentoCe ik vulgarl^aHed
its lantern, and emits that'furprifing light whence it
takes its fecond name. Ï fhall only add, that it is a ver^r
flow creeper, but flies with amazing velocity.
On the 26th, my boy Qu'aco arrived from Paramaribo
with the following lift of provifions, which he had pur-
chafed fór mè'/Tn order tojIglVé thé curious a ju ff idea: of
the prices in Surinam When things ate cheapeft, I will
hefe ihfért feme articles as charged to my account, with
the prices in Englilh money, calculating at the rate of
eleven florins to one pound fterling.
■ .Thefe articles were as follow:
z bacon hams* 31 Ifes.. ait 15 d. per lb.
1 ffnalkcagmi butter,.iolbs. atjovr©^. per lb*. -
$ fnaaii -dfitto of flour, ioaibs. at 40V per lb*
53 D u t^ diee%ia;.i;lbs. at i&dVperib*
squart bottles of vinegar, at 1 x, itxid. pep quarter
4 lbs. fpermaceti caasdks,~at 3^ 8<£ per lb-
;■ y lb sd r ied feu fe g^ a t-a x . . per |b.
The prices-'tof wioeaud.iffpirits I. hat®wfca&dy mentioned;
in the twelfth-chapter:..
■ Pe alfo brought me a-goat with its kid to fupplyrne-
with milk,.for which I paid twenty florins,„or near.two»
poundsffeerlingi: thefe ;prices.arfc atl®aft-doiiblef,and fome;
treble.,. to what they ufed to-he in.England*.
'fafatoats are very? common in all G u ian a th e y are note
very fliort fmooth h air, moftly -of 4 dun^coloury they. are’
as nimble as flags* and are. kept on alhthe eftates,, where:
they breed faft aadtgwe much milk;,, they
gIqus- eating when killed, young*.'
I, had now the difegr.eeable .ne ws, that all m>y letters fow
Europe were funk on board Captain Viffer, who was»
wrecked, in the Texel roads, -among ;the ice;, L was;
alfo fancerely grieved to hear that my good, friend Mr*.
Kennedy,, with his lady and family,„: had,taken their fund!
farewehof the-'colony, and failed for-Holland*. This*
gentleman,,. M*v Gordon, and a Mr^ Ghurlny>,were the:
only -Scotch ; a Mr.. Auckland, a Mr*Townfend, and Mr-