E X P E D I T I O N t o S U R I N AM. 69
'down.'; ’’i^asf-the beetle that* produces the maureecee
*. Woiflns, vrtrioh arfe not fo, large nor fb delicious as thofe .
ƒ produced b$ tihe mbuhtain-^abbage;,- Having; Had no opportunity*
o f fhewirigin what manner the Indians and
^A&iGan& aicendjt^es,- by figure H I have! reprefented a
negro climbing a young ihaureecee-tree, to,which they
. do 'npt cling, with their arms and legs, but taking the
.trunk* between ,tk$i&l£pds>, tt^ey: place; the foies of| their
if pet ragainft it, and th-ps walk up in a moft aftonifhing
manner; b y this-method thgy fave their fkin from the
.bark, but; ^ muft certainly, require very great ftrength*
Activity, and pra&ice. ,
, Having thus far dwelt on the palm-tree fpecies, I muft
once more return to domeftip occurrence^* ■,
, I- have faid that, all the officers and moft pf the private*
who had lately ,been’ftationed at the Hopej, had died,; or
were fent up dangeyoufly ill, while, I had, efcaped the
cnnt-agipn. But, alas! now it/b^pame m y turn,paying
only had a reprieve, and no more1 for pn the 9th I was
feized with the fame .burning fever that had carried off
the? reft; and even my; black hoy Quaco. was yery ilk
. On the 14th, neceffity forced, me to give, up the command
to another, officer, ^nd depart from this inheritable
fpot on my way, to Paramaribo t I could hosypver reach,
no farther than Goet* Acpoprd,. and there, on the- 15th,
all expected my death; when an old negro woman found
means to make me partake pf fome butter-milk boiled
with fome barley and melaffes* which was the. firft food
£ had