CfH Af. lion ; iis fti«pe was; .not unlike that -of a trout, and the
, ^VI1, , -whole was covered with fmall icales ; it had" one dfifal
din on the middle of' its hack, with, only the veftige of;
another n e a rth e^ il, which w^Jorkedt;- under -its belly
y^i^ iiyqhKSj ;two ped)^ral,-tv^q ventral, and q<ae behind
the anus";--the under jaw proje&ed before the upper jaw,
?nd made its mouth appear reverfe^; ,th^ gi\ls werse;fmall.
Haying enquired concerning t^isf li.ttlq fifli, ,-the ?pnly. information
I could obtain was fforn.a black #na;®,rWh.o
called it dazo-^fee^ y
The other is that fine large fifh called. by th'e. Englifh
f& e k ~ C G the Indians barflTketta, an;c^i^^^^/”«;by^he
negroes, which I have feveral times ^mentioned, b,ut not
defcribed; they are taken, plentifully in all the upper
parts of the riyer^ This fifli is the fige jof wa -large. cod,
but covered with cfisale^ajid by- fonae compared to a
faltnon ; the ibacfcj is a bro(vvn oljyg jcolourj-the ^eliily &
white, the head is ftrong, with fmall eye?j o f ^which the
pupil, is black and the iris g re y ; the mouth iy very large,
and befet with one row o f fharp teeth;-like thofe. of a
pike, and, like it, t-J^:..greati^ei§,ox^eBpie^rf. ffpfaf&to
the tail is, obtufe and dark olives as alfo the fins, fix; in
number, one dorfal, two pectoral* two ventral, and pne
abdominal. -This fifli is, extremely delicious gating* and
particularly efteemed by the white inhabitants :at Paramaribo,
where it is very fcarce, though in- the upper
parts of the rivers they are taken in great abundance.
I painted thefe two fifties very, corre&ly, tjie dagQ-fiJh) 7&
x lar£e