'0 h a p . mmg-bird fits on four eggs; which, for my part, I never
-faw or heard o f during 'my refidencë in Giliana. ; 11
-j In the annexed'Opiate I have endeavoured: to repreferit
them-and their, little h^ifation in natural' fizé:.; though
I found it impoffible to'riaake the;drawing more perfedtj
their motion-upon the wing being fo very quick, that ’the
Feathers are hardly perceptible; and this: motion-;oec&s
•Ron& that humming noifei from which this delicate little
4 creature' derives’its name.
^n-Here'were alfo-inamenfe flocks p f monkieit, I have fee a
above two "hundred o f then! in a field, o f fugar-canes,
, where they makèrgreat devaluation. Thefe wary animals
; place fentinels all round the field' to give the alarm j and I
myfelf haveheen a witnefs with what fagaclty arid fidelity
"they perform this duty, when the whole, company
hop intoc the foreft, each with his plunder in his paWv i;
* ’ Swimming was another o f my favourite amufements^
which contributed to make me more healthy, and ftr^nger
than moft o f my companions; as it is beautifully éxpreflèd
by the author of the Seajans ï
“ Thé is the pureft exerci/e ofhealth,
“ The kind refrefher of the fummer heats r
“ •—, — .. . Hence the limbs < , •... . 4 . 1
“ Knit into force, and the fame Roman arm '
“ That rpfe viftorious o’er the conquered earth, :
' V Firft team’d when tender to fobdue the wave.’* £
On the 14th I fliot an alligator; but returning from
this excuriion in a boat, a packet o f letters from Colonel