day, or the next; and concluded by-declaring that Bonny
fliould foon he the governor of ,the- colony.
After this they tinkled their ‘bill-hooks', -fired a volley,
and gave thfee cheers; which being anfwered by-the
rangers, the clamo fir eWded;-änd the rebels difperfed with
the rifing fon-.
Óhr fatigue was great ; yet, öotwithftanding the length
ó f the cóntëfiy our lofs by theêhemtes:fire was véry in- -
confiderable* for which I prómifed Ho account-; and tbis-
myfiery was now explained, when- the ifiirge©ns, drefling.
the wbuhded^ extracted veiy »ffeW ïeadeh bullets,» hut many
pehble^iSat-buttöHS, filvér fcufe,w-hichsG0uid
dtfrfehtÜe^^hri&hief, b y pehötrathig fea^celyrtnore thah
fkiirdeep. We rfhóhfervêd,fifeat -fèvertfi^fithe poor-rebel
nëgfêès who w|rë feoty had only the fhards of Spa-wat-er
eänsfififtead-of flints, which could'feMdm dö- ekeeUtian *,
and it was Certainly owihg to-thele • ehctifiiftanees »that we
eanse-off-fi) w e l, ;# I have mentioned before:;,-yet-wek
e re - nevestlielefs not without a »number off veryidail*-
^ërdus^Éafs and eoBtufions.
IncöhcetvaMe are fh è tnhhy e^pedientsdwhich, thefe-
people emplOy-m the #(k>ds,. where in a ftate oftranquih
fity‘ they feefeed* hs they boafied, to wantv^of^nothing,,
being pkhnp anckfät, it leaft fiich1 as weh&d: an oppor--
tunity ©f obfeirvingi. It fiiould be noticed, that game . and*
j^ fh e y catch in great abundance, by artificial traps and;
fprings, and prefetve them’ b y barbacuing;, while their.
j 9 fields.
fields are even overftocked with rice, caflava, yarns, plantains’,
&c. 1They make fa it .from the palm-tree allies, as
the Gentoos do in the Eaft Indies, or frequently fupply the
•wirit df it with red pepper.
, We here' founfixth impaled pear the trunk of an old tre.e
h-cafe-bottle filled with excellent butter, which the rangers
-told me they made fey melting and clarifying the fat o f the
-palm-tree worms: this' fullylJanfwer-s, all the purpofes of
!European buttery and I found it in fa<5t even mores deli-
“oi'o‘bs! to my* tafte. - The. piftasMo or -pinda rnuts they alfo
convert into butter; b y their oilyfiefeftance, and frequently
■ i^eflidmin their broths., The palm-tree wine they have
•always^in plenty; they procure it byiinaking4bep inqifiojjs
•of a foot fquare in .the fallen' trunk, where the puice being
collected, it- foon ferments by theheatsofithefun; it is not
Manly a cool and agreeable beverage, but fufficiently ftrong
to intoxicate." T h e ; haaflicole or pine-tree affords them
■ materials fo r : building; they fabricate pots from clay
found neartheir .dwellings.; the gourd pr callebaffe tree
^procures-them cups; the filk graf§: plant -and maur;ecee-
Ifeee fbpplies materials «for .their hammocks, and eve® a
kind o f ; cap grows naturally upon the palm-&rees, well
» as*brooms-;. the various-kinds o f nebee fupply, the want
o f ropes; fuel- they 'have for. putting; and a woo.d »called
: 'bee-bee'terV'ZS 'for tinder, by rubping two s pieces, tqp each
idther; it is ififb elafiic; ahd:makesveMelleBbcQ£ks; iC^(|les
they can make, having plenty, of fat and oil ; and the wild
bees afford them wax, as well as »excellent none-y.
q i > ■ Gloat hs