E X P E> D, I T IO N T O ; S U R I N A M. 2 3
TQ&Is; reptile is produced in a tree called the mountain- CHAP.
Wb&0ge-t'pee, which is one7 of thp palnf fpecies. The ,_xv11' ,
worm gyowafoJ^e^ge-aud thicknefs of a mahjs thumb,
is produced from th e ip aw n p f a black beetle, and is extremely
fat. dfowcver «difgiuflfog to .appearance, thefe
worms are a delicious -treat to many people, and they are
regularly. Told at’ haf apaaribo. The manner pf drefling
them, i&l^y &yj»g-theiji in a pan with a very little butter
qml fait, pr ^pitting.them o>a wooden ik e wer. In tafte
they partak^ ,pf. all tjhe.fpices -of India, as; mace, cinna-
jponi .Gkjiyp^^ufemegSn -Several Jpecies of thefe
worms»are produced inwall the pglm-ff#es Wheh\begin-
npg^„tp ;rot, hut fbme are larger than others, ^Rey are
aRr-of a pale-.yellow colour, with black heads. In the
plate ^nae^d^ayp/reprefent-ed the ab°ye-mentioned fine
butterfly, and t^pahhagp^penFutm, both o f the na-
tjuralb^f, taken-from the life. By the Indians aud negroes
» they are called :
Q$i .thp i^tb» ^ deputed for Ra Rochelle in
was fent with
a Tew men back to the Hope, in £pm©wiha» to protect the
eftates in that river.
On- the fame day, the miferable old negro who had cut
his throat on the 5th day o f March, but had fince recovered,
was feen by fome flaves to enter the wood -
with a knife, from which he no more returned, being
foon after, found, ftabbed to death. We were afterwards
unformed by his matter, that for fome time be-
/rY-oi;yih ■ D 4 fore