■ Sill
1 1
what is very curious, broke all the eggs, under a he®
that was fitting in a. corner-of . the room? whet ewe were- •
engaged»’ .T h e hero’s fea|j$es, being re-compofed, I
.proceeded, and the picture was ' completed in a ftiqrt
time after, to, his- great fafisfadtion.
taken ip the year 1773» died of a d^opfy^v Ejyer bHfie.Vsh
capture, when his companion -was fhot, this peer, fellqwi
w:asobliged,to follow Fourgeond lik«? a d o g , th ^ g V a i l
his expeditions ^-.tbe. colonel this*
negro yrould, pn$ day. W W IS& ^ -p § § j p B I
hannts, o f the
negro flayes* fnfpe#«ftg:
information, attributed hi£ dreadful death to- a- pppifb-'
ment fforn God, for- h is want pf fid&l$y txf bis country-
men, to whom they fuppofed hejl^ad ^wQ^attp be true.
. 'phe reader rpay ren^n^b^r*, that-1 haye^^frtrttfift-.
third Chapter, a$ an invariably 4rt^lftof;bteb®/
African negroes, that whoever breaks his- oath ibalj die-
miferably in this world, and be punjfired'for ©yer'inthrati
which is to come.
By the ad of June, the Hope in ; Qomewiha(W^heg0»S-
fo very unwholefome for want, o f cleanlinefs,,. apd being;
kept free froth inundations (as b tUU.eh negle£fed; b y
the newly-arrived troops which were qpw: Rationed- there)*
that the commanding ©flke® and raoh-of hi?t men were?
rendered unfit for dpty by fickpefiy apd many of, them;
already buried. To this place Colonel Fourgeoud orr
dered down Captain -Brant to take the command, with a CHAP.
. XVII. frefh fUffpV of meh, and o-rdets to fefld* not to- town but ._ — »
to Magdenberg* all the invalids he ffiould relieve. Thefe
Orders he-gave to the above officer in ftieh a brutal manner,
and difpatched him fo fuddcnly, that he had not even,
time to pack up his d ea th s; while 'Coldnel Seyburg deprived
him of his ,'only fervaot, whom-he took for him-
'felf. Thi-s ufage fo much affedfed Capta-m Brant, that
he burft into tear's, -anddeclared- K-e- did not with lbiiger
to furviye fuch galling. treatment: b ’C' then departed to
the.Hdpe*; truly1 with a- broken hedft. p
: Wpori K ^ a trit^ I he #as informed- that5 Cbptain Brough^
fhd late1 com¥P,andafig5o'9iebHJ wits* dead. 1 Thi5vpeofrman
had- beerhon hard for vice’ in; the woods, and being very
corpulent* eoMd no Eonger fupport th e fatigues and ex-
#efiSv#he&tdibe meked-dO#hvoi^y-fiffi, add a^putiddTeVer
at laft’dceafiorieShfe dlfiblutioh1.0 C3apti& BrMt was-fbbri
followed by tCfolOhjsI Ifefburg' t6 fheribffepwM^dfdirs to
infpe£t the lick.—Jn this interval1 of inaction, I ffealfde-
ferifee twoffifhete, Vhielb th o u ^ i V^yHfifferdhf ifrfize ahfd
eoteury i^ la flV y b e r^ !-
rnThe firft, add iiie e d ; the ohly^ ©rife-‘-Of t&fe kind -F ever
faw, was -caught by ant angler*.» It was about- the fizd'-of
a l ^ g e atichovy*i andy the dbfa<fot excepted* wab-'ogiUafefly
the mofi; beatkifubdofetered Itevir'fev. Its baefcaaid
fidesr were divided in longitudinal- bars of fine yellow and
a deep» bluehh black, the-belly: was- filver, the eyes were
black and goldyand'the -finst a glowing trahfparent vermi*
6 • :: lion;