N A R R A T I V.E O F A.N,
Cx £ f coffee in his hammock, while'he kept the troops fending
----- ----P water above their middle, a:\yhole hour bq-
Wjr day-light, we again, fcrambled forward, keeping our
and'afterwards N. "W. when th^road'
W|s fo exceffively bad, that many Haves let fall their
burdens, breaking, wetting, and (polling every thing that
w^s m them.. At laft, having paffed through a fecond
deserted camp, w e t t e d on the old cordpn, or path o f
communication on which I formerly difcovered the track
M itbe rebeis» "b en I commanded in Cottica river; ,and
here, having erected flight flicds, we plfféd tlie'ni^ht--.
I ftill a prifoner. .
! At 1 his.time a fmall quadruped running through the
pamp with incredible fwiftnefs, it was cut down by one
o f the rangers with his fabre. This proved tó be the |
Paca or Spotted bovey, called in Surinam- the ";SqÊ^tic\
iiSLUr This animal is the fe e of a fucking pig-and extremely
fat.- The under jaw is fliort, the noftriïs large,
the' eyes black, and the pears, fmall and naked. It has
five toe&on each foot, a tail like.thé firft joint Vf a man’s
thumb, and whifkers like a.cat; the colour is an earthen
brown, with longitudinal rows o f buff-poloured Ipot$; the
belly is a dirty white, the hair all over coarfé and fliört.
The Paca is an amphibious .animal. On land it digs up
tpé earth like a hog in quell o f food, and when in danger
flies to the wafer for its fafety; no^withftknding this
animal is fo very plump and heavy, it runs fwifter than
moft other animals pf its fe e in South America, contrary
tó the account, given o f it in the impplement to