E X P É D I T 1 0 N T O S U R I N AM. 33
are perfè<%Vjppëh|: with a white bill, and a
crimforî-i]5ôt" on the head; thefè brake an agreeable
ohàttërihg, ‘but are'1 bot fo~ ëafily domefticated as the
I was' prefented-®is %yéiiing'by b foldierwitlî a bird of
a quite different, kind, which he had actually caught with
his han<f§* This!iwas!‘;noJother than the'annamde, or §a-
rinaraf.pattridge, and ‘à ? A n e r 'créa tu re ‘f never faw : it was
qfîthe fifélbf-aiâige duck,“; extremely fat, and o f4 dark
brown - colour on the. back arid 'wiri^s^aiid on thetopf'of
thfe head, the underlpartbf whièKï, ‘ the'brea-ft, the belly,
and tb© thighs, were-of a '©ream-colour, intermixed
with orangé feathers and* v t ly .fmall tranfverfe 'black
bars. The b od yî!W^ â î^ y?É la ''llla^ l^ a&eg^f îi^hâd
n'o tafl^the nepk was flonjrpthe-bill fhortp but very- ibarjP
pointed, and a lïttlè'cùrvèd ; the ïéÿe^'were bright/-and’as
black as jet ; the legs £hort, of the colour of vermilion,
with three fmall toes: on each foot. This bird, it is faid,
runs with amazing fwiftnefs, hiding itfelf amongft the
'grafs and weeds, but flies very heavily on account of its
plumpnefs, which was the caufe of its being thus over-
taken by the marine. We had it roafted, and indeed nothing
could be more delicious. As I took a .correct: drawing
of it, I refer the reader to the annexed plate ; where
he may alfo fee the parrot of South Am erica,-as deferibed
above, befides a few curious nefis,.of which I have given
an account 'in ‘Voh I. p. 375, but -where I had no opportunity
of placing them ; and which, befides their cu-
riofity, may ferve to fliew how much the public are -im-
: ; yj0L- IL I - . H poled
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