' Brcjught forward r - * -
Still let me not is ^earl^ paid/ip|;
what is called the fuppoÉt of the commoner graft
fields, v i z .
For a houfe, according rajts _fize^
For a coach - - { „ * < ■ r 40 —-
For a whilk^y - 1 I’ f— ' - iq ____
For a fitddle-horfe - \ - - 1© _
Which add to the above impoj&tipns again ' -
And thefe, if fummcd; together, make a’yearly
revenue S f ’no left than* - - - ^
ƒ. 1,28*2,040,
’ Havingjaow clqarly demonftrated, partly by the affift-
ance of Dr. Fermyn’s Tableau Je laMèiome-Jç Surinam,*
and partly by my ovyn experience, that the intrinfic yaîne-
of this fettle ment is .worth yedfly abóVe '‘~'ènë'-:Wiilli&-r£-oï
fterling money, which, by proper managed) lent, might-be
Rill increafed ; allb that the greater phrt of it gôès to the
republic^ while the people, are thus burtheneçl phjtXheir
eftates by almoft infupportable taxation, which, indpges.
many to be rogues, who would perhaps otberwÿfefjbg ho-
neft ; I Ihall, by way of appendix,, give fomeffhort account
of the trade carried on in this colony by the Nbrtb
Americans : J r-T h efe -people arrivé -with' fmkif Twigs]
floops, and fchooners from Virginia, Rhode Iflahd, New
York, Bofton, Jamaica, Grenada, Antigua, B arba,does, 8cc.
from which places .they export flour, beef, pork, herrings,
fait, mackarel, and leaf-tobacco for thé négroes ;
aîfo fir-boards, Ênglilh rum, and other .fpirits ; loaf-fugar>
garpj-fpermaceti-candles, o n i & r ^ e a c h veffel c h a p .
js bound to^bfing in* one hbrfeftfwihpk they? often- fupply ■ _X^^y* „
by,a‘head onlÿfiaffirmièîgi1 thatdheÿpùt onboard a-hprfe,
but that he diedfpm.thè' pafljigejj. yFpr. thp atjpye-commo-
ditiés"-thé American ’tpaders-'é^port aâpthe.m'elafîèsfdf this
çplpny ;to diftil; iütcfrum; ât ,borné,-;and frequentlyj fhip-:
loadsdôft*. bther produ^ions^and^pme^Éh^pdizp, though
thiMis^done ini|a' .clandqftinç' mjEn^er^jb|f^i|iblt bdththe
fejïep ;an‘d' ;h|a'yei\- afe| ^||nfidérâbla^.i|i'4î$‘,' lbte£||H^ad;y’
ca{h fo r - thégon efr an d , a tçh§apith ^ S ^ ÿ% ^ |h ,e t other;
F l'on) > théheewarcHilands-, dlfLelp vqpflîf aMo • import; private
mulatto, and quaderoon'ïl^^,'wh,iph;)béir^'gg^jef-j
ralljliyoüng and; hahd'Cdlriei whafeyeù may ? bedhÊifl moral
châradtçr,>felLfor' fcbhfi4dérable^HBel%h
Having ^ u s fhewnpaccbrd£ng;loûihe beft inf^niation'
IjWâstæble to acquire, in what thefcommerce and in’tripfic
•wealth of this,* fine- colahyfconfiftf I 'will ‘ now’ take 'my
leave of'the fubjedt, and contihùd ray? narrative.
- , On thë a if to f February, Mr;
law of Mrs.vQOidfeffoyjd'fobk me}in-his" fail
change .of air to Nutefi^cfaaèklykJ opg'Qf-'his- own’Tofiet) ,
-eftates-; where-J faw,a white mam who had, lately1, }lbft
both his’-eÿesjn prie' njghf hyuhebats; or vampires, as
they are called; and the following ?day, failing up Comer
wina River, we proceeded to the* delightful Cacao plan-
* I haye faid they can make no rum here j neither do they refine fugar.
f Mr. Hartzink mentions four horfes, hut this is a miftake. ,
1 ' tation1