f f p A R R A T 1 V fc 6 f ■ A N
at the tftnd they Were ferving the colony in 177^. With
thk- VeteCaifed' affo the officers hdiotti he had put under
a hH jlH H lK 16th IMdenrheri i ^ 4- hofpital
fliip to ill provided With refreffimeWfS;;
Oh the £ifl, Foh¥^#trd reviewed with pleafdre his
recruited Ilittle army, Where 'f forry^the W g S i f '
did’ not appear. He how difpatched brie hundred men
k pkftble to f“eedhhoitre _thte f&irtkrib? his hew eh-
campttiefit; o f which nuthber Thad^he jH m H g K
orie.. During • timp nothing fematfebie happened,
eic^pt ranting with alarge companyof quaictSi whidh
b^hi^'ohitof the inoflfremkrtite Ipefeefbf mbnkies- in
the world, from their affinity to the humaii; tace,?Is "cannot
tacitly pafs over. One "evening.vrklKmg with mry MicK
h o y QuaCo'Withotit the catrip, they came down fi> l6 # to
look, at ns, ahd threw finall flicks and excrements at ti§*,
that we flopped, and I had all opportunity thoroughly to
bxanfine them. The quata, or quaio> is'-kerf large?, witlir
in enormous tail : their arms and legs beihglcovered ovef
With fofrg black hkir, they make'* ¥ety M ^ 6 hra |p elr-
*nce indeed ^the.more fp, as the creature’s fdcojs qffite
naked and red, with deep funk, eyes, which gives i^rhuch
the appearance o f an old Indian woman; I t has ffiort
earsj and only four fingers without a thumb on its hands
oxford feet, hut it has five toes Oh the hinder feet* all o f
which have-black nails. th d extremity; oMts-tail has a
fpiral turn inwardly j it Is naked and callous, fry its frequently