CHAP, maca, intent on immediate mifchie^ and that they were
, marching to the weftward, In confequence o f this information,
a captain and fifty men were immediately
detached» hy water, to reconnoitre the banks near the
Pinenburg Creek. This party returned upon, the 8th,
and confirmed the intelligence. Our indefatigable chief
now again determined to pucfue them; but the Haves-
who were to carry the ammunition and /provifionii bad
been fent home to their maffers, nothing but fkin. and
bones, to-be exchanged» for others, not yet arrived, and
to be ftarved in their turn. I fhafi therefore relate what:
happened the two following days, until the arrival. o f
thefe unfortunate beajls of burden; for fo. they, might
• , with propriety be called.
On the 9th were fold upon credit, and to the bigheft
bidder, the effects o f the deccafed Enfign Strows,when the'
poor foldiers, regardlefs o f price*.and only wifhmgjo ob<-
tain fpme cloaths and refrefhments to keep; (in the vulgar;
phrafe) fqul and body together, actually paid at the rate-
o f 700 per cent, and this infamous, debt was; aceordinpy
ftated in thek accounts. I have fem , for: inffancé,a pnkr
vate marine, pay five flfiUirjgs for a pound o f mouldered;
tobacco,, that might- be worth fix-pence, and dobbin
the prime value for a, pair o f old Racking» or ffroes;:
A fick man paid one guinea for a couple o f taèagre:
chickens; and for a broken bottle-cafe to hold his lumber,
another paid a fimilar fum. ' Thus were thefe.poor, dying
half-ftarved wretches, deprived of the; little property they
-1 had
had earned at the expencé of. their blood and fweat, while CHAf .
this mifexable neceffity might have been eafily prevented , _ ,
by only fuppïying them with what was their due. A
private marine, of the name o f Sent, at this time, fwore,
in the* heat o f b is ,resentment, that he would certainly
fiiöót Fourgeoud, whenever he had . am opportunity;
Which being overheard, upon, condition of repentance,
I bfibèd 't-he evidence not to inform pgainft him, and fo
literacy faved this poor ralh fellow from dying on the
fallows. -
Cifrofthbatfely»- allr ; the world did not poflefs; this; chief4»
taih-s infehfib’ility, for this day the good . Mrs; Godefroy
ohee more; fénf up a fiat-bottomed barge, with a.fat ox,
oranges, and plantains for,the private foldiers, which
Was accordingly diftfibuted amongft them. The fame
evening a finall fupply o f provifions alfo arrived for me,
from Joiüada, with a few bottles of. port wiine; and though
part was ftolen,' and part was damaged by. the way, i t .
made me very happy, and I gave witting x0 Fowegeoudi;
When we fpeakof provifions-in the woods, we. only
mean, fugar,: tea, coffee,f Böèon bifeuit, i cheefe, rum,
ham, e r a keg ó f faufages, finceMwle elfe can he earned
through the foreft by a fing le Have, and we were now
allowed no mere. Shirts, ftioes, and ffockmgs were alfo
ufuaHy accounted among the ntoeffiirifes, but the h ff two
.articles I'did not ufe> being aecuftomed to walk barefooted,
which 1 had now pra<ftifed for more than two
years, and with great advantage :ta my limbs, when I
S a compared