E X P E D J T I O N T O S Ü R I N A M . z s z
veosed, the. branches diverging from hear the furface of CHAP,
'the earth ttt; the femmit. .The^befries, which aré pval, XXIX*
are firfcgre^i', and gradualiyehangei their colour, tili they
are ripè,-wheh .<*. W f^ tó im & h
that o f a cherry* Tn each a f th'efe berries >£re two kerneis •
refemhlingi-feeans, -lyings fiat upon each other. Of thefe
a gdc?d* tré#is faid W prodüéh thfee ór-fovir • pounds weight -
at each cróp< for this tre e lik e ttieft etfe&t ^egeia-Me-'productions
ih this luxuriant clithate^' hears two crops* every
To givé the-curious idéödof. this -üféfnl plant,
I prefent him with a f|>rrg o f ir, copied'lWmatdre in th#
anmxMplafe ;■—in which the figure prefers' to*’ tfteVööd,
whpre it WhSéutoff; B is the uppferficWf the C
. the föwérhdefef:the fame; 3 -isthe bé¥rf?juft be^finfeg f
w m m 0 ; B'the jföme in fu llperfeélibh^.being-of a béauh
i P I H l J P v pïti& Ê -the kernels ó r^ a ffs 'a i they appeal
when they are diveffed o f their hulk, and réady*fbr exportation.
eg. 1
The buiMmg&idh a coffee eikte ar% firft$vtbe? dwelling
houfe,. wMch^ik ufuallyofituated- for- fpieafur©' near the
banks o f a pmmp and for convenience adjoining «* ie
arè erected the outhouf^ for the dverfeer anthbopk-
keeper, with ftore-heufes; and' fmali ofilces r the other
necelfary buildings are a carpenter’s lodge, a dock and
boat-houfe, ^and two dapitak
and feparate the pulp from the berriesjthe other to dry
them ? the rèft-codfiff
* VoL*IL Z z - a n d