m l
I f #
c H A P. srHrob? but, hungry:aScIJ #a>s, my ftomaeh coiaM net- re-l
f XXL , lifh this klndofvCnifart.
A good conftitiftidii^ fterling heaHib and: fpititsy now*
fupported me, or I muffi have funk under theload b f mi-
tjfery^nd:Bardffitps-, which-were at«.tHi time become fo
intolerable, that the rangers again- fbrfcok the- camp;
'VtefaBsr tii^ 'tod& fto iV -as brave and -a&sye a
man as ever entered the' woody: threw* u ph isieommHIidh,
as Mr. Mongol had dope before, daring Colonel Font-
gg^iMl’A-irft^mpaign at the Waha.;
In the beginning o f September, the bloody flux: Paged:
in the camp to lueh a deghseyt-hat the colOnfel fawKim- ;
— felf obliged to fend off al- the fick officers and- privates,
without exception,' hot to Paramaribo for recovery in t o -
grand hofpital that is tltere, but to linger and die on the
banks o f t o rivers, where they r^dved others to«to encamped,
ahd undergo a firaailaa? Wreechedhe^; the ftek
of his own regknent befog difpatebed to M-agdenbnrg in
the Tempatee Creek, and t o f e o f the< Society to
Vreedenberg iaCottica.
Colonel Fonrgeoud’s inhumanity to the officers was now
adtually become fuck, that he wonld hot even permit thofo
who were paft recovery a marine to attend them, whatever
price they offered; foihe o f whom I have^eeh expanded
between.two trees, while the very fiith, for Want
o f affiftanee, was dropping* through their hammock**
<3f this number was Enflgn :Sfi*ow$$' whey in this dreadful
Situation, was ordered-to be tranfported in an open boat
* . 1 to
to Devil’s Harwar, where He died. - At length Colonel CHAP.
Fourgeoud himfelf was feized with this dreadful malady^ ._ ‘ .
and K-fe^helbved* ^pttfah 'pmved’fcr be o f ho more avail;
yef KST0otifkA:6fco'feTed-, by the plentiful ufe of claret and
fpid'esj'’w h i c h w a n t e d , and which his colleague
SCyburg^lfd* employed as® a prefe'rNative of his health,
thdugh 'by fa llow in g :t 6b #'c6pibus*fooibs' :he frequently
loft' the rirffe Of his reafon. I n fudi a fttuation, arid' in fachf
a despicable encampment, our7 commanderiffi chief had
the vanity to expert a deputatibli from the cbtfrt at Paramaribo,
with congratulations-on h is victory: in confer
quence o f which'he had built an- elegant-filed, and fent
for ftieep: and hags to-entertain them—but the expected ’
deputies never yet arrived.
On th e 5th, therefore, the hogs and ftieep were {laugh- .
tefed, and, fonthe’f f if t time m. liis 4ife| he ordered one^
pound per man,. bones1 'and all,. to; be diftributed among •
th e poor emaciated foldiprs : indeed the number able to
partake toftliis bounty was' atr prefenb vbty fmall; • \
On the following day a; reinforcement d f one hundred
men arrived from Magdenbuirg, in Comewina^ and from. -
the Society poft Vreedenburg, in> Cottica, nearly as' many.
Thefe confirmed the death of Enffgn StrOws,. befides of
a great number o f. privates-,; who had affifted at the taking
of GadQ~Saby, and who had expired in the boats during
their removal from Barbacoebai
Intelligence arrived at the fame time that the defeated
rebels had a&ually crofted- the/rivef Cottica below Patta-
I Vol. II. maca,