4-p. fore he had atternptèd to do 'thé famé almofh'regultirïy
’ . froiit month Vo irfôifth!i '■
\i On üæ Vythÿthe^mehment returned frôm La R ochelle
where the troops o f the' Society?were ' aÊ-Rck.
• "Colonel Fourgeond now treaitèd me with
politenefsi And at h is 'éarneiï rëqueft ’î ‘préTeftVêdViim,
çn th©i|o6h, with various drawihgsy reprfefen%hghimïêrf
and hlstrOops ftrügglirag With.1 the- hardfhipsf aiinéséd Vo
thfefervice they'%êre font oh; arid wH-ichddraVihjgs
t-akfrbe ,wer^ intended; td dhew
therlJ'/^j^a; Vj^ciEften'^d whal hê^ntPVfts * fo aM e s^ 0
u n d ^ a d n th#fôfoRs^ôf Mââhh.1 ±:
MHethaw gâfrë-me leave,'for-fourteen dkys^to^go ro
toWn to with Mr. Kennedy a profperous Vc^gértdThi-
rope.' Avairiflgrfoyferf' thëréfôre 'o f 'hBKgo cfMMiMr,'
l left Magdeiiberg within'one hour, arid: hïà3ê fû'chhcïif-
patch that I came to Paramaribo' on 'fhe,rj2&d,'
found my friends and little family all'wélVHt the hohfe
o f ' Mr. 'deia M are, to - which' they^weré ihamediatêfy-fënt
from that-of Mr. LoIkensf>who hady ' dufihg my-lifîï^b*
fonce, entertainedithem, and treated them with the gjeat-
eft attention and hofpitality,
C H A P .
Nvw 'Injkth&esi wfr unpmoedmpdBarbarity Occurrences
i on Mount,Magdenbitg.— Prides o f Pdt?d~:
mariba.-^3 efcriptim-of a new Animal-t-Great Morta-
\ #/y | dmowgfl the * Tmops" in.: %einpatee and Gom&wina
THE ftrft. vifit I now made was to Mf. .Kennedy, to c Hap.
bid him farewel; I them paid five hundred florins xvn.
for the blacfc hoy, for,'which he gave me a receipt, and
Quacdswas! mine;. Abpm6ithrs !time-I fell M withafevery
which however lafted but a few^dayst$ Walking out on
the lift Of May, I ofoferved 'a croud of people along the
Water-fide, before the houfoof'Mr. S-—Ik—r, where appeared
the dreadful dpexftacfe of/at beautiful young mulatto
girly, iloating-ondier backj. with her hands tied be*
hind,; her throat maft ;and;ftahhed in the
bread: with •-a' knife t in morCithan' e igh to r ten.different
placed. vPMs fwapreported to have-heen therwoEfc of that
infernakfieiid, Mrs; S—Ik—t , from a motivefof jedthdyl
fufpecfting tliat her hulband might fall, in love with this
poor unfortunate fernale.'; This monfter o f a woman
had. before drowned a negro mfant'mqrely for: crying,
as I haveiaidy'nay, Vhe: was^aGcmfed o f Rill greater-pan-
barity,«were greater barbarity poftible. 'Arriving; one
VOL. lI* P E - day