C H Â which he had juft killed; it was fodui-Tour fobt dMgr
and notthicker thâh the barrel ö f a muikët; w h éh -perceiving
a knöbnear its middle, larger than tny fift, "! had
the cnriohty to cut it open, and an enormous frog made
its appearance, perfectly alive and entire, a fmaR fpot on
the back e f its head and nock exempted, which was blue
and Rimy, as i f beginning to putrify. For the fake of
expériment, I fattened him with à firing to his foot upon
a gràfs-pîat near the river for three days*, w hm ; finding
the poor animal hearty- and weÔ, Î gayeRimihis liberty,
with a caution to keep a better look-Otrt for f hë'foturei
On the 28th I paid a vittt t©^ ^M ü s '^ahiyr, WSq. late
King’s counfellor at Maflàchufetfs Bay, upon hte eftate
called F airfield. Here botbutheBrâfter1 and his fl^ves'were
perfedtly happy and contented, chiefly owing to Mr.
Palmer's' juft and equitable adminittration to all around
him; andfuch were thexonfequencès o l his wife government,
that-few plantations in the Weft Indies could boaft
o f greater profperity, either in point of produce or popular
tion; while the courtefy and hôfpitafityof the gentlemanlike
proprietor to ftrangers, completed his happy character,
which fhone confpicuoufly throughout thé colony.
Upon my return to the Hope I received a letter from
the commander in chief, informing me that Mr. Viafack
with his rangers had killed lèverai rebels, and taken
eleven prifoners ; but that another party o f the rangers
had been furprized by the enemy, and lèverai o f them
foot dead while afleep in their hammocks.
During tbefe ikirmifoes, an mftance' of preföncö ó f cha p .
mind was eiMhitediby a rebel negfo,; 11think but feldom .
e q u a l l e dA raa^e» having devilled-: Ms pigce was, juft
going to fire at him, when thè maö? ealled out, holding
up his* hand, f ‘ ;What, Sir, do you mean to kill one of
u you# Own paï% F* w fiieh fo é rafigef: believiiig. him to
be* -^èpJiedk et God forbad!^land drbppingltbe muzzle o f
feisRiece, inftantly rëoéi^ëd a ball thfow^al foë body from
his?adrê#faryV which kiÜed h im ; and who, having thus
fared himfelf, difappeared like“ # flafh e f lightning i One
o f the captive negroes réïatédr that the eveöingbeföre they
Were taken, a rel)el, who- h ad föymérlydëfertédIfsfom Part-
eonbbrg was- cut to piecès with fobreêy by Bonny^cóna*
maiid, a& two others' had been bèfoi?^ Wë
■> On- thé‘ 6fo o f rMSy it Mew a violent hhfideane^ a^êööSi
panied’ with thunder and Éghtriid^, fo that Matty trees
were torn up by the1 roots, amf mfoft of the honfes on th e -■
Hope Mown down -ufirdOfM0; ‘•My’ airl4fe p^ade;i how^
ever,- b y ‘ good fortune, withftóöd this' gM e; arid; upon
the 8th, Joanna, with'hei* b'dy,-: arriving at- this* place;. I
promlferf Myfelf # # e h e j dfidtkppittefs;. equal ; that' I
experienced in 1774 ; ëfpé^ld3?y^'my family», -fiaiy foeepy
and nay poültry,wèré now-dbu-bledy hefidfesy I had at this
time a beautifulgardbn jadd i f 'I couMI not; with- propriety
be called a planter, I mightatleaft eladmywifh fortte degree
o f juftioe, the name Of a little farmer.:
On the; 9th we all-dined-with Mr.. ^ at his beauT
isl.ll f
n w i