244 Ni A R R A T I V E O F A N
x x v if' 3 m0ft deliSi0V-lf^g^nc|^ When ripe, it is thejize and
'— <-— > fhape of a water-melon, and turns from'green to yellowr,
but Its pulp is more firm and folid r jh e inner pulp is
and flimy, .filled with, innumerable,feeds. JThis, fruit at
full maturity is cut in pieces and boiled, when.it ,eat;s likp
Englilh turnips-; but they ufe it principally for confectionary
and fweetmeats, when young, ^nd with its blof-
foms being both extremely delicate and wholefome.. J had
alfo fent pie fome fine preferved gingery this'isiSeSoot
.of a kind o f reedy ftalk, that newer ■ ekce^fis, t\yo feet in
keightiwith long, narrow pomtedleayps. Thefe r^K'!ai;e
■ tuberous, flattifh, fmall, and clufiered in many different
fiiapes, not unlike pig-potatoes, and of nearfy tlm ^ tn e ,
colour in the infide, but fibrous, acid, hot, and aromatic ;
the fmell is highly fragrant: it, is^well W w n . to h e not
only an agreeable pyeferve, but in- many c^es'-ajp^^S*''
lent medicine.------But to proceed.
On the 24th o f July, the fails being bent to the yards,
we.at laji proceeded in corps to take leave o f his Excellency
the Governor o f the colony, who, while h eftill received us
with the greateft pohtenefs, yet gave our hero to uncler-
ftand, that were his colours now]to be fent on board, they
fliould molt certainly be fainted with iho& bpnwn which
indifputably were their due. After which he fent the
whole corps of. Society officers to the head-quarters in
fiate, to with us.a profperous voyage to Holland; and in
this conteft o f etiquette his Excellency moft affuredly led
the van; for hinting which, however, to fome of .Four-
geoud’s favourites, I had nearly engaged myfelf once more
in a ferious, quarrel. Our men, who had heed on board c h a p .
•fince the 18th,, being how joined by their officers, the XXVL*
poor, remarasrof this fine regiment were thus finally em- * ‘ '
barked, and dn the'higheffi^ow o f Spirits, expecting to -
fc t Tail.ffie day, for Europe;, while 'f o e alone
exee^|^j;.}ever4 rdqunt,en^#fiwore the appearance of
happinefs'and |^ ;^ n d -n o th in g indeed could equal the
’exultation ;pf thp few .furviviug. tpoops, when .the next
morning the orders were iffiied for the fliips to weigh
anchor and put fo jea.i
-But it was fiy -fate.;, ordained- that their eager hopes
and expectations once moredhould be blafted; for on
!fe e jy g y moment ^departure, a flfip entered ike r iie r '
'with, difpatches, inclofing, an order ,for the regiment
immediately| to re-enter Jbe woods, and remain in the
Colony until relieved by frelh troops ,to be fent out from
Holland for that<<purpole. jjf The sincere thanks o f
his Serene Highnefs the Prince ,of ^angd-were now
read to the men from the.; quarter-deck o f each veffel,
fhe .manly and fpirited conduct they had difplayed
“ during.fo long a trial, and fo many great and impin'-
“ cedented hardfhips - but. as they,concluded, with or. I
tiers fpr th e , troops.. to ; dlfembark, and remain in this
dreadful ferviee, I never faw dejeCtion, difappointment,
and defPair fo- Wrongly marked: while at this moment
b k^b^ba^.heea,; completely- miferable/
W*S n(?w who was not depreffed
with forrow.