162 'n a r r a t i v e o f a n
c H A P. me "With a tpMiM'MtW? fhuff. I miift n6t otftit that, a
. little before our departure, foveii more of our negro
flakes* did defert us, who Went h'6'fne'fo their makers perfectly
Woken-hearted, emaciated, 'and 'nearly flarved;
however, we^roceebed, and marched1 'dirfedfry N. E. during
which nothing happened, ei&Apt my box'with all my
bottles being dafhed to pi<?<As; '-'and in the evening‘-we
encamped, though then unknown to uS,4n~ear the Cafli-
pbie Creek, where the dry feafbn'haying commenced,‘we
dug a pit for Water. Orders were dlfo iffuefl to the troop's
no fob fo fo build Huts," flieds, -&c.‘ ats5 iHes^
lefs violent.
On the 16th We Continued ohr rohte,'matching N. E.
as before,' and towards1 the eWeiiin^Wrived'at the houfes
which Colonel Foufgeoud had lately diftovered, which
.pfoved-'firfce' to W
the febels as a foelter b rafylum ih their ^ p e ^ d ’ fe&itr,
before they Were diifoifged' ffotS' aSH'to 'mis
little iettiement they had'given ^W riarhe o f Bti&JJy'Qryy
that is, “ the wo6ds lament.6* *E ftdte’We ehcampdd, and
‘took niudb notice o f Bonny’s htrufe i'n pafticuiar, w;hich
Was built like a watering macliin e, being elevated’from
the ground, with two doOrs, fo that he might the bett'er
obferve all atcrorid Mm, and prevent his Dbitig taken by
fhrprize, iri&lfo had more airland',' of ebtlne, w&s'be£ter
calculated for his health, he having in fome- late action
received a very dangeroxis wound- in the ‘groin, as we afterwards
learned- from a rebel riegtd prifoner. Near to
: 7 1 1 Bbnny’s
E x p >E i) i T i o m t o i a m . fo3
B anpyls, t ho^e-{wejp - the private baths, where his women CHAP.
Wafhed |he,mfg^|s oaorping and evening, there being no . XXIIL,
riyer -neap. thi§ fottlement..
In this e^p^iopme^ ajie ,pf;0,ur|^f?ps prefented me
with a l&ndpWftlg,, which indeed we, bad met with feve^
|gj|t tij^eg^beforg;'b^t; ^-Ib^v^tofy^t’deforibgd this, an^
mal, I wilf nowtend.eaypur to .gf^effome apcbunt ,o f it.—
'fh e land-tui:rie;pf ^u|:ina^a<ip nqtjrnpte, than, eighteen or
twenty in chesrip’ If ngfh, and,pf.an oral, form;- the fhell
is mor© oppyex,- than that ja£ thf, fgarturtle, 'and marked
with thirteen elevated, be^ngular foiekJs,j -dark brown
andpyebOjW-fo hard that it wajlbeaf any- weight
without breaking •, the under fhell is a little concave, .and
o f a light yellpw: the head of this animal lyefemT^tes that
of other tur\ri®§ > the
fejejt^co^ed.cW'itb-'- fpalofo; *
and aitned wifo foarp cl^wi!il®;fllSRi|it in' paw lin g over
£b# gfpond, I When this poor creature fees any danger,,
j^dpftantly forints. within; it§, fo.elh 1% tk^lituation, the
Indians put it. on the foe,, whexe they broil if, aptf if it is
foeffc, Which is .known by the under foellfoparating from
•. nppgr* Wfeicfe. foWPS for a di-fh fo hold th^oqntents.
A lefs barbarous way, and the w$y whfeh. I ^ always fob-
l0WPd> to provoke; * {for &nimal by the heat o f the
embetS tp tun
neck, they ate enfoy chopped off, and fhe footfextraoled*
Wa&ha^.vadditi.QAal torture. I have known ,MrV.de Craaf
keep three' or fon t,o f foefo landHutfo& fof .afee-v» four]
Y 2 . V i months
' i f